2011-06-24 21 views







% numbytes -file- ConsumeFileData - 
/ConsumeFileData { 
    userdict begin 
    /DataString 256 string def 
    /DataFile exch def 
    /BytesToRead exch def 

%(BytesToRead =) print BytesToRead == 
    DataFile DataString readstring {     % read bytes 
     /BytesToRead BytesToRead 256 sub def    % not EOF subtract 256 from required amount. 
%(Read 256 bytes) == 
%(BytesToRead now =) print BytesToRead == 
    } { 
%(Read) print dup 256 string cvs print (bytes) == 
     BytesToRead exch sub /BytesToRead exch def % Reached EOF, subtract length read froom required amount 
%(BytesToRead now =) print BytesToRead == 
     exit            % and exit loop 
    } ifelse 
    } loop 

%BytesToRead == 
    BytesToRead 0 gt { 
    (Ran out of image data reading from DataSource\n) == 
    } if 
} bind def 

% numbytes -proc- ConsumeProcData - 
/ConsumeProcData { 
userdict begin 
    /DataProc exch def 
    /BytesToRead exch def 

    DataProc exec          % returns a string 
    length BytesToRead exch sub      % subtract # bytes read 
    /BytesToRead exch def 
    BytesToRead 0 le { 
     exit           % exit when read enough 
    } if 
    } loop 
} bind def 

/image { 
(image) == 
dup type /dicttype eq { 
    dup /MultipleDataSources known { 
    dup /MultipleDataSources get { 
     (Can't handle image with multiple sources!) == 
    } if 
    } if 
    dup /Width get     % stack = -dict- width 
    exch dup /BitsPerComponent get % stack = width -dict- bpc 
    exch dup /Decode get   % stack = width bpc -dict- decode 
    length 2 div     % decode = 2 * num components 
    exch 4 1 roll     % stack = -dict- width bpc ncomps 
    mul mul      % stack = -dict- width*bpc*ncomps 
    7 add cvi 8 idiv    % stack = -dict- width(bytes) 
    exch dup /Height get   % stack = width -dict- height 
    exch /DataSource get   % stack = width height DataSource 
    3 1 roll      % stack = DataSource width height 
    mul       % stack = DataSource widht*height 
    exch       % stack = size DataSource 
} { 
    5 -1 roll 
    pop      % throw away matrix 
    mul mul     % bits/sample*width*height 
    7 add cvi 8 idiv   % size in bytes of data floor(bits+7/8) 
    exch      % stack = size DataSource 
} ifelse 

dup type /filetype eq { 
} { 
    dup type /arraytype eq or 
    1 index type /packedarraytype eq or { 
    } { 
    pop pop     % Remove DataSource and size 
    } ifelse 
} ifelse 
} bind def 

/imagemask { 
dup type /dicttype eq { 
    dup /MultipleDataSources known { 
    dup /MultipleDataSources get { 
     (Can't handle imagemask with multiple sources!) == 
    } if 
    } if 
    dup /Width get     % stack = -dict- width 
    7 add cvi 8 idiv    % size in bytes of width floor(bits+7/8) 
    exch dup /Height get   % stack = width -dict- height 
    exch /DataSource get   % stack = width height DataSource 
    3 1 roll      % stack = DataSource width height 
    mul       % stack = DataSource width*height 
    exch       % stack = size DataSource 
} { 
    5 -1 roll 
    pop      % throw away matrix 
    mul mul     % bits/sample*width*height 
    7 add cvi 8 idiv   % size in bytes of data floor(bits+7/8) 
    exch      % stack = size DataSource 
} ifelse 

dup type /filetype eq { 
} { 
    dup type /arraytype eq or 
    1 index type /packedarraytype eq or { 
    } { 
    pop pop     % Remove DataSource and size 
    } ifelse 
} ifelse 
} bind def 

/colorimage { 
    dup 1 ne { 
    1 index 
     (Can't handle colorimage with multiple sources!) == 
    } if 
    } { 
    exch pop     % get rid of 'multi' 
        % stack: w h bpc m d ncomp 
    3 -1 roll pop    % stack: w h bpc d ncomp 
    exch 5 -1 roll    % stack d w h bpc ncomp 
    mul mul mul    % stack: d w*h*bpc*ncomp 
    7 add cvi 8 idiv exch  % stack: bytes datasource 
    } ifelse 

dup type /filetype eq { 
} { 
    dup type /arraytype eq or 
    1 index type /packedarraytype eq or { 
    } { 
    pop pop     % Remove DataSource and size 
    } ifelse 
} ifelse 
} bind def 

非常感謝你的工作!不幸的是,我不使用它沒有格式,因爲我不知道如何格式化它... – WebRacer


對不起,這裏試試這個pastebin http://pastebin.com/j8fTWTVh – KenS


它仍然不會工作,被調用的文件只能工作對於PS-文件而不圖片:/ – Joe


該技術應該在任何彩色圖像的工作,因爲圖像運算符用於彩色和單色圖像。除非你的文件使用obselete level 1.5'colorimage'操作符。我不記得在這個例子中是否重新定義了這個操作符,如果沒有,那麼你可以用類似的方式重新定義它。



感謝 文件進行測試: http://array02.letmeprint.ru /noimages/cover.pdf(26M) http://array02.letmeprint.ru/noimages/pages.pdf(140K) http://array02.letmeprint.ru/noimages/noimage.ps 試着切斷在這個文件中的圖像... – WebRacer


這些是PDF文件,你在你的問題'一個PostScript文件'中說過。正如我在原始發佈中提到的那樣,PDF解釋器有效地使用了我們這些操作符的'系統'版本,所以這種技術將無法工作。相反,首先使用ps2write設備將PDF轉換爲PostScript,然後使用此序言將PostScript轉換爲TIFF,並且應該可以。 – KenS


事實上,該代碼中存在一個小錯誤,它不喜歡'內聯'圖像。我應該解決這個問題。我會稍後嘗試發佈一段更好的代碼。 – KenS