2014-01-08 76 views

我正在處理我的第一個AppleScript,並在最後一條命令中遇到錯誤。基本上,腳本應該循環訪問給定文件夾中的所有jpg(「/ Volumes/Public2/Pictures/LINP/temp /」),並根據文件名中的日期將它們全部移動到子文件夾中:AppleScript移動文件失敗。我做錯了什麼?


Ex。 000DC5D1A54E(天井)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg



set workFolder to "/Volumes/Public2/Pictures/LINP/temp/" 
log workFolder 
set workFolder to (POSIX file workFolder) as alias 
log workFolder 

tell application "System Events" 

    --get files to work on 
    set filesToProcess to files of workFolder 
    --log filesToProcess 

    repeat with thisFile in filesToProcess 

     log thisFile 

     set {fileName, fileExt} to {name, name extension} of thisFile 
     log fileName 
     log fileExt 

     if (fileExt is in "(*jpg*)" and ((length of fileName) is greater than 10)) then 
      --get name of file without extension 
      set rootName to text 1 thru -((length of fileExt) + 2) of fileName 
      log rootName 

      --break apart the file name to get to the imortant stuff 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "_" 

      --store the camera name 
      set cameraName to text item 1 of rootName 
      log cameraName 

      --store the full date 
      set photoDate to text item 3 of rootName 
      log photoDate 

      --cut out the time information 
      set photoDate to text 1 thru 8 of photoDate 
      log photoDate 

      --break out the year 
      set photoYear to text 1 thru 4 of photoDate 
      log photoYear 

      --break out the month 
      set photoMonth to text 5 thru 6 of photoDate 
      log photoMonth 

      --break out the day 
      set photoDay to text 7 thru 8 of photoDate 
      log photoDay 

      --combine parts into a new name of the form "YYYY-MM-DD" 
      set photoFolder to photoYear & "-" & photoMonth & "-" & photoDay 
      log photoFolder 

      --make sure a correctly named folder exists 
      set targetFolder to my checkForFolder({parentFolder:(workFolder as text), folderName:photoFolder}) as text 
      log "targetFolder: " & targetFolder 
      log thisFile 

      log "targetFolder Class: " & class of targetFolder 
      log "thisFile Class: " & class of thisFile 

      set finalTarget1 to (POSIX file targetFolder) as alias as string 
      log "finalTarget1: " & finalTarget1 
      log "finalTarget1 Class: " & class of finalTarget1 

      --Here's where the error pops up. I've tried both HFS and POSIX formats for the target folder, but the issue seems to be with the file 
      --Yes, the files definitely exist (I've confirmed this). I show exactly what the values are and error messages I'm getting at the end of this post 
      move thisFile to the folder finalTarget1 
      move thisFile to the folder targetFolder 

     end if 
    end repeat 
end tell 

to checkForFolder({parentFolder:fParent, folderName:fName}) 
    --find or create a folder 
    tell application "System Events" 
     --set fName to POSIX file of fName as alias 
     --set fParent to POSIX file of fParent as alias 

     if not (exists POSIX path of (folder fName of folder fParent)) then 
      set output to POSIX path of (make new folder at end of folder fParent with properties {name:fName}) 
      set output to (POSIX path of (folder fName of folder fParent)) 
     end if 
    end tell 

    --returns a POSIX path 
    return output 
end checkForFolder 


targetFolder:/卷/ Public2 /圖片/ LINP /溫度/ 2013年6月4日



(*文件Public2:圖片:LINP:溫度:000DC5D1A54E(天井)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg *)






=移動文件「Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:000DC5D1A54E(Patio)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg」to folder「Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:2013-06-04:」

錯誤「系統事件出錯:無法獲取文件\「Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:000DC5D1A54E(Patio)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg \」。 「數-1728從文件 」Public2:圖片:LINP:溫度:000DC5D1A54E(天井)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg「


=移動文件」 Public2:圖片:LINP:溫度:000DC5D1A54E (天井)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg」文件夾 「/卷/ Public2 /圖片/ LINP /溫度/ 2013年6月4日」

錯誤 「系統事件得到了一個錯誤:無法獲取文件\」 Public2:圖片: LINP:溫度:000DC5D1A54E(天井)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg \」。 「number -1728 from file」Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:000DC5D1A54E(Patio)_1_20130604084734_139988。jpg「





我把你的腳本,並迅速做出了本地版本進行測試,以兩種JPEG文件到目前爲止,這是我碰到的。 修復#1:

move thisFile to the folder finalTarget1 


move thisFile to finalTarget1 


move thisFile to the folder targetFolder 



CRGreen:謝謝你的建議。不幸的是,當我將該行更改爲「將此文件移動到finalTarget1」時,出現以下錯誤: 將文件「Public2:Pictures:LINP:temp:000DC5D1A54E(Patio)_1_20130604084734_139988.jpg」移動到「Public2:Pictures:LINP:temp: 2013-06-04:「 - > error number -1700 from」Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:2013-06-04:「到位置說明符 結果: 錯誤」系統事件出錯:無法制作\「Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:2013-06-04:\」轉換爲類型位置說明符。「從「Public2:圖片:LINP:temp:2013-06-04:」到位置說明符 – Techlifter


的編號-1700至於這兩個動作,我嘗試了兩個稍微不同的動作,看看是否可以工作。我在我的文章中提供了每次嘗試的輸出,希望得到的錯誤消息有助於確定問題。 – Techlifter


Hi @ user3171341。我沒有看到那個錯誤。當我將第一行修改爲「將thisFile移動到finalTarget1」的腳本運行時,它可以正常工作。你使用哪個版本的操作系統?保持第二行註釋掉,但看看這是否適用於第一個移動行:'將thisFile移動到(我的finalTarget1作爲別名)'如果這個工作,我會編輯我的答案。 – CRGreen