2011-10-15 38 views

Is it possible to target older iOS versions when using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 SDK?Xcode的構建成功,但在iPhone上無法運行

我有我真的不明白的問題,我用我的Xcode直到昨天,所有工作完美,但昨天我安裝iOS 5的Xcode 4.2,但現在當我試圖做一個與我的iPhone集運行目標是成功構建應用程序,然後立即停止。沒有錯誤,控制檯日誌中沒有任何錯誤。該應用程序甚至不會複製到我的設備。 Xcode說:建設,運行,完成運行....所有在2秒內...... 在模擬器上的所有作品,但在設備上沒有任何事情發生。

我有xcode 4.2與iOS 5,我有一個iPhone 3G與io 4.2.1和部署目標我選擇4.2像最後一天。請幫我我瘋了!


Sat Oct 15 18:17:14 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:14 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:14 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:14 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:15 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:15 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:16 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:16 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:16 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:16 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:17 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:17 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:17 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:17 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:18 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:18 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:18 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[18] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message 
Sat Oct 15 18:17:18 unknown lockdownd[18] <Error>: 2ff68000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing 





你是正確的 - 問題是很可能的是,3G運行的amrv6和你只是建立對ARMv7



只需將其他條目armv6添加到該設置即可。 應該訣竅


mmorris在回答這個問題時表現得非常好。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7760946/possible-to-target-older-ios-versions-when-using-xcode-4-2-and-ios-5-sdk –


良好的鏈接,它幫助了我。 – justinkoh


我嘗試過所有步驟,但對我無用。但最終我自己找到了解決方案:在我的情況下,它像魔術一樣工作:轉到產品>編輯方案>選擇使用信息選項卡運行並取消選中調試可執行文件。魔術開始了!再次運行項目。我希望它也適用於你的情況。謝謝所有... –


如果您使用的是xcode 4.2並且想要將該應用程序安裝到設備上,請按照HeikoG所說的步驟進行操作,但是在執行此操作後它並沒有幫助我。但最後我發現,在info.plist中,他們已經在關鍵部分定義了「必需的設備功能」,因此只需將其刪除並安裝該應用程序即可。


