2010-10-03 99 views



你可能會有點不僅僅是更具體的「像這樣現場」。我們應該怎樣做才能重現您之後的效果? – Patrick 2010-10-03 11:20:45


當您點擊一個名爲「Get Code&Open Site」的大綠色按鈕時,Web瀏覽器會在後臺打開一個新窗口 - 這就是我所追求的,簡而言之。 – Ian 2010-10-03 11:27:04



它,當你點擊綠色按鈕「獲取代碼和開放的網站」 。


基本上.blur()在指定的彈出窗口將通過焦點返回到支持它的瀏覽器的主窗口和return false;將確保鏈接不會打開在當前窗口中是默認行爲。向下滾動下面的代碼,你會看到底部。

// -- VoucherClick -- 
// This baby does the funky stuff when the user clicks to reveal the voucher code 
(function($) { 
     voucherClick: function(config) {  

      return this.each(function() { 

       // What is the objects parent? 
       var theObject = $(this);     
       if ($(this).hasClass('the-image')) {  
        var theParent = theObject.parent().parent(); 
       } else { 
        var theParent = theObject.parent().parent().parent();    

       theObject.click(function() { 

        // Revealed codes have a light yellow background 
        // First we remove the background of any currently selected vouchers    

        // Now we add the yellow background. We have to check what was clicked as it affects 
        // how far up the DOM tree the voucher DIV starts 

        // We also must check if we are on an indiviual page with an expired voucher, 
        // because the yellow background can overlap the left hand edge of the voucher 
        if (theParent.parent().hasClass('individual-expired')) {       
        } else {               

        // Check to see if the voucher has alread been revealed - we only want to run this 
        // if it hasn't yet been clicked     
        if (!theParent.data('voucherRevealed')) { 

         // Make a note that this voucher has been clicked 
         theParent.data('voucherRevealed', true) 

         // Make a note of the voucher code and create the revealed code module   
         var thisCode = theParent.find('strong').html(); 

         // If the code is over 18 characters, we need to reduce the font size 
         if (thisCode.length > 8) { 
          thisCode = '<span class="revealedVoucherCode small">' + thisCode + '</span>'; 
         } else { 
          thisCode = '<span class="revealedVoucherCode">' + thisCode + '</span>';      

         // Fade out the initial module and fade in the revealed voucher module 
         theParent.find('.code-wrapper').fadeOut('normal', function() { 
          // If it's an individual page there is no H3 
          if (theParent.find('h3').length == 0){ 
           // So we add the revealed module after the dates 
           theParent.find('.dates').after('<div class="revealedVoucher">' + thisCode + '</div>'); 
          } else { 
           theParent.find('h3').after('<div class="revealedVoucher">' + thisCode + '</div>'); 

        // Open the merchant link in a new window 
        var mer_window = window.open(theObject.attr('href'), '_blank', 'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,status=1,menubar=1'); 

        // Where browsers support it, let's pop this new window BEHIND the current window 
        if (typeof mer_window === "object") { 

        // Reveal the What Just Happened Text, which was set up in the VoucherInit function 

        // Don't open the link in this current window 
        return false; 

       }); // end theObject click function 
      }) // end this.each function 

     } // end function(config) 
    }) // end $.fn.extend 

}) (jQuery); 


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js"></script>   
<script type="text/javascript"> 
(function($) { 
     myClick: function(config) {  
      return this.each(function() { 
       var theObject = $(this);     
       theObject.click(function() {   
        var new_window = window.open(theObject.attr('href'), '_blank', 'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,status=1,menubar=1'); 
        if (typeof new_window === "object") { 
        return false; 
}) (jQuery); 
<a href="http://www.google.com" class="fade" target="_blank">Google</a><br />          