2012-05-18 122 views
public class foo { 
    int ID { get; set; } 
    byte[] sort { get; set; } 

public class barMaster { 
    public void FooSource() { 
     return List<foo> FromDataSource; 
    public void display() { 
     List<foo> sortedFoo = FooSource().OrderBy(f => f.sort); 
     UIElement = sortedFoo; 

我有一組包含欲排序依據一個byte []屬性,但是,排序依據(字節[])中的對象的引發錯誤:LINQ的排序依據(字節[])值

System.ArgumentException: At least one object must implement IComparable. 

我該怎麼做OrderBy byte []值?


你必須實現接口ICompareble和訂單創建自己的功能 – Jorge


所以,如果'f1'有'f1.sort == {3,201,25 ,}'和'f2'具有'f2.sort == {3,29,7,222,0},這是更大的,'f1'還是'f2',爲什麼? –


出於我的目的,f1會被認爲大於f2,因爲201> 29。我可以看到爲什麼從「正確行爲」的角度來看,這將是困難的行爲。 – StormRider01



由於you've indicated that the arrays are of variable length(因爲它是一個SQL Server層次結構ID),你絕對需要創建一個自定義IComparer<byte[]>實現。


  • 比較第一n字節每個陣列字節對字節,其中n是字節在兩個陣列中較小數目。當在任何字節之間檢測到差異時,返回不同字節比較的結果。
  • 如果第一個n字節相等,則返回兩個數組長度的比較。


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// I could be wrong in that this is called natural order. 
class NaturalOrderByteArrayComparer : IComparer<byte[]> 
    public int Compare(byte[] x, byte[] y) 
     // Shortcuts: If both are null, they are the same. 
     if (x == null && y == null) return 0; 

     // If one is null and the other isn't, then the 
     // one that is null is "lesser". 
     if (x == null && y != null) return -1; 
     if (x != null && y == null) return 1; 

     // Both arrays are non-null. Find the shorter 
     // of the two lengths. 
     int bytesToCompare = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length); 

     // Compare the bytes. 
     for (int index = 0; index < bytesToCompare; ++index) 
      // The x and y bytes. 
      byte xByte = x[index]; 
      byte yByte = y[index]; 

      // Compare result. 
      int compareResult = Comparer<byte>.Default.Compare(xByte, yByte); 

      // If not the same, then return the result of the 
      // comparison of the bytes, as they were the same 
      // up until now. 
      if (compareResult != 0) return compareResult; 

      // They are the same, continue. 

     // The first n bytes are the same. Compare lengths. 
     // If the lengths are the same, the arrays 
     // are the same. 
     if (x.Length == y.Length) return 0; 

     // Compare lengths. 
     return x.Length < y.Length ? -1 : 1; 


static IEnumerable<foo> OrderBySortField(this IEnumerable<foo> items, 
    int sortLength) 
    // Validate parameters. 
    if (items == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("items"); 
    if (sortLength < 0) throw 
     new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sortLength", sortLength, 
      "The sortLength parameter must be a non-negative value."); 

    // Shortcut, if sortLength is zero, return the sequence, as-is. 
    if (sortLength == 0) return items; 

    // The ordered enumerable. 
    IOrderedEnumerable<foo> ordered = items.OrderBy(i => i.sort[0]); 

    // Cycle from the second index on. 
    for (int index = 1; index < sortLength; index++) 
     // Copy the index. 
     int indexCopy = index; 

     // Sort by the next item in the array. 
     ordered = ordered.ThenBy(i => i.sort[indexCopy]); 

    // Return the ordered enumerable. 
    return ordered; 


// You have to supply the length of the array you're sorting on. 
List<foo> sortedFoo = FooSource(). 

數組的長度並不固定,因爲它是來自SQL Server的層次表示。 – StormRider01


@ StormRider01我已更新答案以解決您的特定實例。我已經離開了之前的解決方案,但首先顯示了處理可變長度數組的地方。 – casperOne


您不能直接訂購byte[],因爲陣列不實施IComparable。您需要通過第一個字節(例如:OrderBy(f => f.sort[0])或其他適當的東西)訂購,或者編寫您自己的IComparer<byte[]>,並在OrderBy的相應超載中使用。



