2017-07-17 65 views

我在使用extjs grid rowexpander時遇到問題。
3.現在展開最後一行。你會看到滾動條自動移動到頂部。滾動問題點擊Extjs Grid RowExpander


Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { 
    margin: '30 2 0 0', 
    layout: 'fit', 
    scrollable: 'vertical', 
    cls: 'logTimeInTask', 
    bodyCls: 'scrollBar', 
    maxHeight: 400, 
    title: 'timeEntryDetail', 
    scrollable: true, 
    collapsible: false, 
    columnLines: false, 
    expandOnDblClick: false, 
    viewConfig: { 
     preserveScrollOnRefresh: true, 
     preserveScrollOnReload: true 
    columns: [{ 
     text: 'timeLoggedBy', 
     menuDisabled: true, 
     sortable: false, 
     flex: 1, 
     renderer: function (value, p, record) { 
      var retDataStr = ''; 
      retDataStr += Ext.String.format('<span>{0}</span>', record.data.creator); 
      return retDataStr 
    }, { 
     text: 'time', 
     sortable: false, 
     menuDisabled: true, 
     width: 120, 
     renderer: function (value, p, record) { 
      var retDataStr = ''; 
      if (record.data.logged_hours != null) { 
       retDataStr += record.data.logged_hours + 'h '; 
      if (record.data.logged_mins != null) { 
       retDataStr += record.data.logged_mins + 'm '; 
      return retDataStr; 
    }, { 
     sortable: false, 
     menuDisabled: true, 
     width: 100, 
     renderer: function (value, p, record) { 
      return record.data.date; 
    }, { 
     text: 'status', 
     sortable: false, 
     menuDisabled: true, 
     dataIndex: 'status', 
     width: 120, 
     renderer: function (value, p, record) { 
      return Ext.String.capitalize(record.data.status); 

    plugins: [{ 
     ptype: 'rowexpander', 
     rowBodyTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
      '<p><b>timesheet:</b> {timesheet}</p>', 
      '<tpl if="description!=null">', 
      '<p><b>description:</b> {[this.showDescription(values)]}</p>', 
      '</tpl>', { 
       showDescription: function (values) { 
        return values.description; 
    listeners: { 
     render: function (grid) { 
       var timeEntryDetailStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ 
        data: [{"id":80930195009,"status":"none","description":"dfsgdfsgsd\nfg\ndsf\ng\ndsf\ng\nsdfg\nsdfg","date":"2017-07-17","created_at":"2017-07-17T09:38:32+00:00","logged_hours":3,"logged_mins":54,"timer":false,"timesheet":"111111111111","task_id":14763865922,"sort":0,"project":909679456,"project_name":"wwwwwwwwwwwwwww","creator":1270919337},{"id":80930208578,"status":"none","description":"dsfv dfd sfg\ndsf \ng\ndfsg \ndfsg\n\ndsg\nds\ng\ndfs\ngdsfg\n dfg","date":"2017-07-17","created_at":"2017-07-17T09:39:04+00:00","logged_hours":12,"logged_mins":4,"timer":false,"timesheet":"111111111111","task_id":14763865922,"sort":0,"project":909679456,"project_name":"wwwwwwwwwwwwwww","creator":1270919337},{"id":80930222146,"status":"none","description":"So the problem here is whenever we open a popup window ExtJS library is needed and it is taking up a lot of memory in IE.\n\nIs there any other way we can load a browser window popup with ExtJS grid without loading the whole ExtJS framework?\n\nOr any other idea are most welcome, as we are really facing a lot of memory issues in IE and users are not willing to use chrome.","date":"2017-07-17","created_at":"2017-07-17T09:39:38+00:00","logged_hours":4,"logged_mins":3,"timer":false,"timesheet":"111111111111","task_id":14763865922,"sort":0,"project":909679456,"project_name":"wwwwwwwwwwwwwww","creator":1270919337},{"id":80930235715,"status":"none","description":"So the problem here is whenever we open a popup window ExtJS library is needed and it is taking up a lot of memory in IE.\n\nIs there any other way we can load a browser window popup with ExtJS grid without loading the whole ExtJS framework?\n\nOr any other idea are most welcome, as we are really facing a lot of memory issues in IE and users are not willing to use chrome.","date":"2017-07-17","created_at":"2017-07-17T09:39:44+00:00","logged_hours":3,"logged_mins":54,"timer":false,"timesheet":"111111111111","task_id":14763865922,"sort":0,"project":909679456,"project_name":"wwwwwwwwwwwwwww","creator":1270919337},{"id":80930249284,"status":"none","description":"So the problem here is whenever we open a popup window ExtJS library is needed and it is taking up a lot of memory in IE.\n\nIs there any other way we can load a browser window popup with ExtJS grid without loading the whole ExtJS framework?\n\nOr any other idea are most welcome, as we are really facing a lot of memory issues in IE and users are not willing to use chrome.","date":"2017-07-17","created_at":"2017-07-17T09:39:50+00:00","logged_hours":39,"logged_mins":2,"timer":false,"timesheet":"111111111111","task_id":14763865922,"sort":0,"project":909679456,"project_name":"wwwwwwwwwwwwwww","creator":1270919337},{"id":80930262852,"status":"none","description":"So the problem here is whenever we open a popup window ExtJS library is needed and it is taking up a lot of memory in IE.\n\nIs there any other way we can load a browser window popup with ExtJS grid without loading the whole ExtJS framework?\n\nOr any other idea are most welcome, as we are really facing a lot of memory issues in IE and users are not willing to use chrome.","date":"2017-07-17","created_at":"2017-07-17T09:39:57+00:00","logged_hours":3,"logged_mins":54,"timer":false,"timesheet":"111111111111","task_id":14763865922,"sort":0,"project":909679456,"project_name":"wwwwwwwwwwwwwww","creator":1270919337}] 


你能提供一個樣品小提琴嗎?沒有網格數據,它如何被複制? –


@HarshitShah你可以在sencha小提琴上粘貼上面的代碼。請仔細檢查網格數據的代碼。 –




因此,我將working source code與非工作源代碼進行了比較,並找到了更改。這裏有一個工作覆蓋你:

    toggleRow: function(rowIdx) { 

太好了。感謝您的快速回復 –