2016-11-30 225 views

在fullcalendar.js中,我使用了這個,但在此我給出了靜態值。 我們如何發送時間內日曆上顯示的月份和年份(「」)。因此,它的工作正常使用該只每當我改變那麼一個月刷新其rdirecting我到這個頁面如何獲取日曆上顯示的月份和年份


$(document).ready(function() { 

     height: 350, 
     contentHeight: 300, 
     aspectRatio: 2, 
     eventLimit: 6, 
     header: { 
      left: 'prev,next today', 
      center: 'title', 
      right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listMonth' 
     defaultDate: '<?=date("Y-m-d")?>', 
     navLinks: false, // can click day/week names to navigate views 
     businessHours: false, // display business hours 
     editable: false, 
     eventLimit: true, 
     events: [ 
        title: '', 
        start: '', 

        color: '#ff5c29', 
        allDay : true, 
        eventColor: '#000'      


      <?php }?> 
      <?php foreach($records as $record){ ?> 
       title: '', 
       start: '', 
       overlap: false, 

       color: '', 


    var previousDate = moment("2016-09"); 
    $('#calendar').fullCalendar('gotoDate', previousDate); 



/* First Link */ 
     $('.fc-prev-button').click(function() { 
         var action = "prevMonth"; 
         var view = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView'); 
         var strView = view.name; 
         var prevMonthDate = view.start; 
         var d = new Date(prevMonthDate); 

         var str1 = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm', d); 
         //      alert(str); 
         var MonthType = 'PrevMonth'; 

         load(shiftdate, MonthType); 


     /* Next Link */ 
     $('.fc-next-button').click(function() { 
         var action = "nextMonth"; 
         var view = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView'); 
         var strView = view.name; 
         var nextMonthDate = view.start; 
         // alert(nextMonthDate); 
         var d = new Date(nextMonthDate); 

         var str2 = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm', d); 

         var MonthType = 'NextMonth'; 
         // alert(str); 
         load(shiftdate, MonthType); 


    USING above code you can get the month and year display on the calender 