請幫助我完成編程任務的代碼。我試圖運行RollDice()函數,CheckForLaddders()函數& CheckForSnakes()函數在我的main()函數中運行主遊戲。我已經定義了所有的全局變量,如currentPosition1,currentPosition2,ladderList,snakesList & nameList等如何在python中的主函數中運行函數?
當我運行我的代碼時,它說RollDice()沒有被定義 - 這是我在main中調用的初始函數。所以基本上,我如何在代碼的上下文中調用這些函數?我認爲將上述所有4個函數放在一個類(gameOn)中意味着它們可以互相訪問,實質上就變成了方法。但我想我只是沒有正確執行。
我知道我的邏輯是正確的,但我只是一個Python /編碼新手..請幫助!
def RollDice():
if nameList.index(player) == 0:
diceRollValue = randrange(1,7,1)
currentPosition1 += diceRollValue
print (player, " dice is: ", diceRollValue, ", New position is: ", currentPosition1)
if nameList.index(player) == 1:
diceRollValue = randrange(1,7,1)
currentPosition2 += diceRollValue
print (player, " dice is: ", diceRollValue, ", New position is: ", currentPosition2)
def CheckForLadder():
if nameList.index(player) == 0:
if currentPosition1 in ladderList:
currentPosition1 += 15
print ("Great ", player, " ! It's a ladder, Climb up by 15 cells. Your new position is: ", currentPosition1)
if nameList.index(player)== 1:
if currentPosition2 in LadderList:
currentPosition2 += 15
print ("Great ", player, " ! It's a ladder, Climb up by 15 cells. Your new position is: ", currentPosition2)
def CheckForSnake():
if nameList.index(player)== 0:
if currentPosition1 in snakesList:
currentPosition1 = currentPosition1 - 10
print ("Oops! ", player, " ! You've been bitten, go down 10 cells. Your new position is: ", currentPosition1)
if nameList.index(player)== 1:
if currentPosition2 in snakesList:
currentPosition2 = currentPosition2 - 10
print ("Oops! ", player, " ! You've been bitten, go down 10 cells. Your new position is: ", currentPosition2)
def main():
while (currentPosition1 == 0 and currentPosition2 == 0):
for player in nameList:
RollDice()# How do I run this function which I've created above?
while (currentPosition1 <= 105 or currentPosition2 <= 105):
for player in nameList:
RollDice()# How do I run this function which I've created above?
CheckForLadder()# How do I run this function which I've created above?
CheckForSnake()# How do I run this function which I've created above?
if currentPosition1 >= 100:
print ("\n")
print ("Huuuuray! Winner is ", player1)
print ("Press any key to exit")
if currentPosition2 >= 100:
print ("\n")
print ("Huuuuray! Winner is ", player2)
print ("Press any key to exit")
這些不應該是方法和GameOn類是沒有意義的;去掉它。 –