$descriptionsQuery = mysql_query("select prob_text from opencall where logdatex between $OneHourAgo and $TimeNow ORDER by callref DESC") or die(mysql_error());
$descriptions = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($descriptionsQuery)){
$descriptions[] = $row['prob_text'];
//put all the strings together with a space between them
$glue = implode (" ",$descriptions);
什麼,我想幫助的是......之前「的說明。[]」被「粘」是一個很長的字符串,我我想要刪除任何重複的單詞。一旦他們粘在一起,我就依靠每個原始描述中有重複的單詞。這很難解釋,這裏是我的意思的一個例子。 2個用戶輸入一些文本,例如 用戶1:"I have an issue with Leeds server. I am in Leeds"
用戶2:"Margaret in Leeds has a problem, please call margaret"
http://uk3.php.net/function.array-unique – putvande
爲什麼不簡單地將您的SQL查詢更改爲'SELECT DISTICT prob_text FROM opencall'? –
請刪除mysql_並移至mysqli_。 mysql_將被PHP刪除是時間問題。 – Mave