101962493|2011-06-09|final|Omary, Lea, M.D.|43654754|Major Academic Center
_Ms.Wattley is a 88 year-old patient who comes in today with a chief complaint of PREG/SPOTTING.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Â The patient Ms.Wattley is a past smoker who has a visiting nurse. Patient is bed-bound.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Â Blood pressure 125/98, pulse 55, respiratory rate 7, temperature 98.7, and O2 saturation 98 on room air. Â General: Â This is a patient in severe distress. Â
EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: Â I confirm that I have seen and evaluated the patient, reviewed the resident's documentation on the patient's chart. The following procedures were performed: Medication:medication given. Procedure:no procedures performed. Testing:testing conducted . Please review the chart for more details.
DISPOSITION: Â The patient was admitted to the hospital with a primary diagnosis of Threatened abortion, antepartum condition or complication.
從段落提取單個句子,所以這是一個細胞。我有一列滿是這樣的數據,我想提取一行。 「體格檢查:室內空氣中血壓125/98,脈搏55,呼吸頻率7,溫度98.7,氧飽和度98」。
x=grep("Blood pressure .+ air. ", ed_dia, value = TRUE)
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