2017-04-10 16 views


this.inventory = {1: num[1], 2: num[30], 3: num[33], 4: num[9], 5: "empty", 6: "empty", 7: "empty", 8: "empty", 9: "empty"};

每個項目(例如NUM [1])具有屬性圖像配,和一個。數據屬性。 下一陣列被用來定義項目的量:

this.inventoryStack = {1: 1, 2: 7, 3: 99, 4: 5500, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0};


this.images = {1: num[1].image, 2: num[30].image, 3: num[33].image, 4: num[9].image, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0};

this.data = {1: rods[0], 2: num[30].data, 3: num[33].data, 4: num[9].data, 5: 0 , 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0};

The result of these these arrays will look like this in the game:


 this.save = function() { 

      if(keyState[77]) { 

      localStorage.setItem("inventorySave", JSON.stringify(this.inventory)); 
      localStorage.setItem("stackSave", JSON.stringify(this.inventoryStack)); 
      localStorage.setItem("imageSave", JSON.stringify(this.images)); 
      localStorage.setItem("dataSave", JSON.stringify(this.data)); 


    this.restore = function() { 

      if(keyState[78] && this.restorer == true) { 
      this.restorer = false; 
      if(this.restorer == false && this.restoreTick < 2) this.restoreTick++; 
      if(this.restoreTick == 1) for(var i in this.inventoryStack) this.inventoryStack[i] = 0; 
      if(this.restoreTick == 2) { 
       this.parser1 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("inventorySave")); 
       this.parser2 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("stackSave")); 
       this.parser3 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("imageSave")); 
       this.parser4 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dataSave")); 
       for(var i in this.parser1) { 
        if(this.parser1[i] != "empty") { 

        this.inventory[i] = this.parser1[i]; 
        this.inventoryStack[i] = this.parser2[i]; 
        this.images[i] = this.parser3[i]; 
        this.data[i] = this.parser4[i]; 
        if(!keyState[78]) { 
        this.restoreTick = 0; 
        this.restorer = true; 


但是,當我嘗試保存然後恢復時,出現此錯誤: 「Uncaught TypeError:無法執行'CanvasRenderingContext2D'上的'drawImage':提供的值不是'CSSImageValue或HTMLImageElement或HTMLVideoElement或HTMLCanvasElement或ImageBitmap或OffscreenCanvas)'「



簡單的把戲。 localStorage和sessionStorage都不能保存對象或數組,只能保存字符串。在添加JSON.stringify(對象)之前和JSON.parse在閱讀 – TypedSource


@TypedSource ...你讀過這個問題了嗎? OP正在那樣做。 – rgthree


哎呀,對不起,沒看過;) – TypedSource





假設this.images是一個值的圖像元素的對象,你可以將它們複製到一個新的對象來序列化以保存一個列表然後在還原時重新映射到NEW HTMLImageElements列表。有幾種方法可以遍歷對象,但這裏是最老且最兼容的方法:

this.save = function() { 
    // Save a list of srcs from each Image element in this.images 
    var imageSrcs = {}; 
    for (var key in this.images) { 
    if (this.images.hasOwnProperty(key)) { 
     imageSrcs[key] = this.images[key].src; 
    localStorage.setItem("imageSrcsSave", JSON.stringify(imageSrcs)); 

this.restore = function() { 
    // Restore the stored sources and instantiate NEW image elements 
    // into this.images. 
    var imageSrcs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("imageSrcsSave")); 
    this.images = {}; 
    for (var key in imageSrcs) { 
    if (imageSrcs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { 
     this.images[key] = new Image(); 
     this.images[key].src = imageSrcs[key]; 

絕對正確。在答案發布之前幾秒鐘就可以看到它 – TypedSource


感謝您的快速響應!當我嘗試運行保存功能時,出現以下錯誤:Uncaught TypeError:this.images.map不是函數。現在有什麼問題? –


@ErikLundin Ooops。沒有意識到'this.images'不是一個數組('map'只在數組中,而不是在Object中)。我已經更新了答案,正確地遍歷Object。 – rgthree
