我正在製作一個簡單的繪畫程序,並且堅持獲取字符串的某個部分。 以下是麻煩 - 當我保存9面板圖像時,它將每個面板的RBG值存儲到.txt文件。例如:從字符串獲得值
- java.awt.Color中[R = 0,G = 0,B = 0]
- java.awt.Color中[R = 255,G = 255,B = 255]
- java.awt.Color [r = 255,g = 0,b = 0]
- java.awt.Color [r = 0,g = 0,b = 255]
- java.awt.Color [r = 0,g = 0,b = 0]
- java.awt.Color [r = 255,g = 255,b = 0]
- java.awt.Color [r = 255,g = 255, 0]
- java .awt.Color [R = 255,G = 0,B = 0]
- java.awt.Color中[R = 0,G = 0,B = 255]
從這裏,我稱之爲掃描儀讀取我們的文件的行。我只需要找到將[]中的值提取到String的最佳方法。我試過使用一個標記器無濟於事,仍然被卡住多餘的字符串。我試過操縱角色,但又失敗了。從我們的括號中提取數據的最佳方法是什麼?並且將單個r = xxx,b = xxx,g = xxx值存儲爲String []會更容易嗎?謝謝,這裏是我到目前爲止的來源:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
//when finished, organize imports (narrow down what imports were used)
public class SaveLoad {
private boolean tryPassed, tryPassed2;
private Formatter x;
//final String[] rawData; will be where the rgb raws are stored
private Scanner xReader;
public void save(Color[] c, String s) {
//s is the filename
int counter = c.length;
//Tries to create a file and, if it does, adds the data to it.
x = new Formatter(s+".txt");
tryPassed = true;
while(counter>0) {
x.format("%s. %s\n", (c.length-(counter-1)), c[counter-1]);
}catch (Exception e){
tryPassed = false;
//load will take paramaters of a filename(string); NOTE:::: make the file loaded specify an appendix (ex] .pixmap)
//MAYBE add a load interface with a jDropdownmenu for the filetype? add parameter String filetype.
public void load(String s, String filetype) {
//loads the file and, if successful, attempts to read it.
xReader = new Scanner(new File(s+filetype));
tryPassed2 = true;
}catch(Exception e){
tryPassed2 = false;
System.out.println(s+filetype+" is not a valid file");
while(xReader.hasNext()&&tryPassed2==true) {
String inBrackets = xReader.next().substring(17);
僅供參考,你遺漏了最重要的標籤:[tag:java]。 – 2012-02-25 22:34:01
尷尬,在您發佈之前修復了大約一分鐘:感謝xP – nolasaint 2012-02-25 22:35:29
其實,您的修復與我的意思相反。不要在標題中加入「(Java)」,只需在問題底部的標籤中添加[tag:java]即可。我已經解決了這兩個問題。 – 2012-02-25 22:38:03