2011-12-14 50 views

我試圖動態地將列表項插入到列表視圖中。當列表視圖被創建並顯示在屏幕上時,現在假設我從服務器或某個地方獲得了一個項目,現在我想在同一個列表視圖中添加此項目。怎麼做 ??有沒有什麼方法可以在顯示的列表視圖中動態插入項目,而無需再次創建列表agtain。有什麼方法可以改變列表項的狀態,這意味着我們可以在顯示時進行交互?你的答覆將不勝感激。 Thnx提前!ListView Activity,動態插入列表項





MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(this, R.layout.row, myList); 
//make a bunch of changes to data 





最後,這是一個非常模型 - 視圖 - 控制器類型的情況。你甚至可以從這裏克隆它運行實際的項目:https://github.com/levinotik/Android-Frequently-Asked-Questions


* This Activity answers the frequently asked question 
* of how to change items on the fly in a ListView. 
* In my own project, some of the elements (inner classes, etc) 
* might be extracted into separate classes, but for clarity 
* purposes, I'm doing everything inline. 
* The example here is very, very basic. But if you understand 
* the concept, it can scale to anything. You have complex 
* views bound to complex data wit complex conditions. 
* You could model a facebook user and update the ListView 
* based on changes to that user's data that's represented in 
* your model. 
public class DynamicListViewActivity extends Activity { 

    MyCustomAdapter mAdapter; 

    public void onCreate(Bundle state) { 
     ListView listView = new ListView(this); 

     * Obviously, this will typically some from somewhere else, 
     * as opposed to be creating manually, one by one. 

     ArrayList<MyObject> myListOfObjects = new ArrayList<MyObject>(); 

     MyObject object1 = new MyObject("I love Android", "ListViews are cool"); 
     MyObject object2 = new MyObject("Broccoli is healthy", "Pizza tastes good"); 
     MyObject object3 = new MyObject("bla bla bla", "random string"); 

     //Instantiate your custom adapter and hand it your listOfObjects 
     mAdapter = new MyCustomAdapter(this, myListOfObjects); 

     * Now you are free to do whatever the hell you want to your ListView. 
     * You can add to the List, change an object in it, whatever. 
     * Just let your Adapter know that that the data has changed so it 
     * can refresh itself and the Views in the ListView. 

     /**Here's an example. Set object2's condition to true. 
     If everyting worked right, then the background color 
     of that row will change to blue 
     Obviously you would do this based on some later event. 


    * An Adapter is bridge between your data 
    * and the views that make up the ListView. 
    * You provide some data and the adapter 
    * helps to place them into the rows 
    * of the ListView. 
    * Subclassing BaseAdapter gives you the most 
    * flexibility. You'll have to override some 
    * methods to get it working. 
    class MyCustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter { 

     private List<MyObject> mObjects; 
     private Context mContext; 

     * Create a constructor that takes a List 
     * of some Objects to use as the Adapter's 
     * data 
     public MyCustomAdapter(Context context, List<MyObject> objects) { 
      mObjects = objects; 
      mContext = context; 

     * Tell the Adapter how many items are in your data. 
     * Here, we can just return the size of mObjects! 
     public int getCount() { 
      return mObjects.size(); 

     * Tell your the Adapter how to get an 
     * item as the specified position in the list. 
     public Object getItem(int position) { 
      return mObjects.get(position); 

     * If you want the id of the item 
     * to be something else, do something fancy here. 
     * Rarely any need for that. 
     public long getItemId(int position) { 
      return position; 

     * Here's where the real work takes place. 
     * Here you tell the Adapter what View to show 
     * for the rows in the ListView. 
     * ListViews try to recycle views, so the "convertView" 
     * is provided for you to reuse, but you need to check if 
     * it's null before trying to reuse it. 
     * @param position 
     * @param convertView 
     * @param parent 
     * @return 
     public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 
      MyView view; 
      if(convertView == null){ 
       view = new MyView(mContext); 
      } else { 
       view = (MyView) convertView; 
      /**Here's where we utilize the method we exposed 
      in order to change the view based on the data 
      So right before you return the View for the ListView 
      to use, you just call that method. 

      return view; 

    * Very simple layout to use in the ListView. 
    * Just shows some text in the center of the View 
    public class MyView extends RelativeLayout { 

     private TextView someText; 

     public MyView(Context context) { 

      LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 
      someText = new TextView(context); 

     * Remember, your View is an regular object like any other. 
     * You can add whatever methods you want and expose it to the world! 
     * We have the method take a "MyObject" and do things to the View 
     * based on it. 

     public void configure(MyObject object) { 

      //Check if the condition is true, if it is, set background of view to Blue. 
      if(object.isSomeCondition()) { 
      } else { //You probably need this else, because when views are recycled, it may just use Blue even when the condition isn't true. 

    * This can be anything you want. Usually, 
    * it's some object that makes sense according 
    * to your business logic/domain. 
    * I'm purposely keeping this class as simple 
    * as possible to demonstrate the point. 
    class MyObject { 
     private String foo; 
     private String bar; 
     private boolean someCondition; 

     public boolean isSomeCondition() { 
      return someCondition; 

     MyObject(String foo, String bar) { 
      this.foo = foo; 
      this.bar = bar; 

     public void setSomeCondition(boolean b) { 
      someCondition = b; 




可不可以用示例代碼詳細闡述??這對我更有幫助。 – 2011-12-14 05:17:13


好吧。假設有一些列表視圖項目(例如聯繫人列表)存在,現在顯示時我想要更改特定列表項目的文本顏色,假設線上/離線狀態來自服務器端或某些地方。我怎樣才能做到這一點?? – 2011-12-14 06:04:11



