2013-03-04 172 views

所以我有一個大學的作業。這個概念是我們要完成一些類層次結構的東西。基本上這是讓我們畫出不同形狀的東西。繪圖問題 - 從其他形狀繪製複合形狀





我明白爲什麼它會覆蓋第一個矩形,當House構造函數被調用,它通過在構造函數中所有的東西運行,然後返回到Compound.java和使用draw(Graphics g)方法繪製它....




import java.awt.*; 

public abstract class Shape { 
    int initX, initY; 
    Color fillColour; 

    public Shape() { 
     initX = 0; 
     initY = 0; 

    public Shape(int x, int y) { 
     initX = x; 
     initY = y; 

    public void setInitX (int x) { 
     initX = x; 

    public void setInitY (int y) { 
     initY = y; 

    public abstract void draw(Graphics g); 
    public abstract double Area(); 
    public abstract double Perimeter(); 

    public void Move(int deltaX, int deltaY){ 
     //future work 



import java.awt.Graphics; 

public abstract class ClosedShape extends Shape { 
    boolean polygon; 
    int numPoints; 
    int[] xVertices; 
    int[] yVertices; 
    int x,y,width, height; 

    public ClosedShape(boolean isPolygon, int numPoints) { 
     this.polygon = isPolygon; 
     this.numPoints = numPoints; 

    public ClosedShape(boolean isPolygon, int numPoints, int[] x, int[] y) { 
     this.polygon = isPolygon; 
     if (isPolygon) { 
      this.numPoints = numPoints; 
      xVertices = new int[numPoints]; // error check? if x.length == numPoints 
      for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { // make copy of array: why? 
       xVertices[i] = x[i]; 
      yVertices = new int[numPoints]; // error check? if y.length == numPoints 
      for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { // make copy of array 
        yVertices[i] = y[i]; 
     else { // its an oval - define bounding box 
      this.numPoints = 4; 
      this.x = x[0]; 
      this.y = y[0]; 
      width = x[1]; 
      height = y[1]; 

    public void setXYCoords(int[] x, int[] y){ 
     this.xVertices = x; 
     this.yVertices = y; 

    // Gives access to the width attribute 
    public void setWidth(int width){ 
     this.width = width; 

    // Gives access to the height attribute 
    public void setHeight(int height) { 
     this.height = height; 

    public void draw(Graphics g) { 
     if (polygon) { 
      g.drawPolygon(xVertices, yVertices, numPoints); 
     else { 
      g.drawOval(x, y, width, height); 


    public abstract double Area(); 
    public abstract double Perimeter(); 



public class Rectangle extends ClosedShape 

    public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height) 
     super(true, 4); 


     int [] arrayX = new int[4]; 
     arrayX[0] = x; 
     arrayX[1] = (x+width); 
     arrayX[2] = (x+width); 
     arrayX[3] = x; 

     int [] arrayY = new int[4]; 
     arrayY[0] = y; 
     arrayY[1] = y; 
     arrayY[2] = y+height; 
     arrayY[3] = y+height; 

     setXYCoords(arrayX, arrayY); 


    public double Area() 
     return 0; 

    public double Perimeter() 
     return 0; 



import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 

public class Compound 
    boolean polygon; 
    int[] xVertices; 
    int[] yVertices; 
    int initX, initY; 
    Color fillColour; 

    public void setXYCoords(int[] x, int[] y) 
     this.xVertices = x; 
     this.yVertices = y; 

    public void draw(Graphics g) 
     if (polygon) { 
      g.drawPolygon(xVertices, yVertices, 4); 
     else { 
      g.drawOval(1, 1, 1, 1); 




import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 

public class House extends Compound 

    public House(int x, int y, int width, int height) 

     int [] arrayX = new int[4]; 
     arrayX[0] = x; 
     arrayX[1] = (x+width); 
     arrayX[2] = (x+width); 
     arrayX[3] = x; 

     int [] arrayY = new int[4]; 
     arrayY[0] = y; 
     arrayY[1] = y; 
     arrayY[2] = y+height; 
     arrayY[3] = y+height; 

     setXYCoords(arrayX, arrayY); 
     this.polygon = true; 

     Rectangle house = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); 

     int [] arrayXTwo = new int[4]; 
     arrayXTwo[0] = x+(width/4); 
     arrayXTwo[1] = x+(2*(width/4)); 
     arrayXTwo[2] = x+(2*(width/4)); 
     arrayXTwo[3] = x+(width/4); 

     int [] arrayYTwo = new int[4]; 
     arrayYTwo[0] = y+(height/4); 
     arrayYTwo[1] = y+(height/4); 
     arrayYTwo[2] = y+height; 
     arrayYTwo[3] = y+height; 

     setXYCoords(arrayXTwo, arrayYTwo); 
     this.polygon = true; 

     Rectangle door = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); 



哇,文本牆! – 2013-03-04 03:44:25


@Danny Beckett哈哈耶對不起....我剛剛在這方面工作了很長時間,而且我變得非常煩躁,因爲我無法找出我做錯了什麼,並且似乎無法從任何地方獲得幫助...... – MicroMumbler 2013-03-04 03:48:17


我編輯了您的問題閱讀起來有點容易...也許你會得到更好的運氣! – 2013-03-04 03:53:55



從你的示例代碼,也沒有辦法,要 「增加」 任何形狀的Compound類。根據你的描述,Compound應該是形狀的「容器」。東西沿線的更多...

public class Compound 
    private List<Shape> shapes; 

    public Compound() { 
     shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>(25); 

    public void addShape(Shape shape) { 

    public Iterable<Shape> getShapes() { 
     return shape; 

    public void draw(Graphics g) { 
     for (Shape shape : shapes) { 
