由於有一些不處理的幾個問題,也許這是值得一些(手寫)詞法代碼,我幾年前寫的。這基本上只處理翻譯的階段1,2和3。如果你定義了DIGRAPH,它也會打開一些代碼來翻譯C++二元圖。但是,如果內存服務,那麼它在翻譯的時候就會比實際發生的事情要早,但是在任何情況下你都不需要它。 OTOH,這甚至不會嘗試識別任何接近所有標記的地方 - 大多數情況下它將源分成註釋,字符文本,字符串文本以及幾乎所有的東西。 OTOH,它可以處理三字母,行拼接等。
/* get_src.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define GET_SOURCE
#include "get_src.h"
static size_t current = 0;
char last_token[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
PFILE *parse_fopen(char const *name) {
PFILE *temp = malloc(sizeof(PFILE));
if (NULL != temp) {
temp->file = fopen(name, "r");
memset(temp->peeks, 0, sizeof(temp->peeks));
temp->last_peek = 0;
return temp;
PFILE *parse_ffopen(FILE *file) {
PFILE *temp = malloc(sizeof(PFILE));
if (NULL != temp) {
temp->file = file;
memset(temp->peeks, 0, sizeof(temp->peeks));
temp->last_peek = 0;
return temp;
int parse_fclose(PFILE *stream) {
int retval = fclose(stream->file);
return retval;
static void addchar(int ch) {
/* adds the passed character to the end of `last_token' */
if (current < sizeof(last_token) -1)
last_token[current++] = (char)ch;
if (current == sizeof(last_token)-1)
last_token[current] = '\0';
static void clear(void) {
/* clears the previous token and starts building a new one. */
current = 0;
static int read_char(PFILE *stream) {
if (stream->last_peek > 0)
return stream->peeks[--stream->last_peek];
return fgetc(stream->file);
void unget_character(int ch, PFILE * stream) {
if (stream->last_peek < sizeof(stream->peeks))
stream->peeks[stream->last_peek++] = ch;
static int check_trigraph(PFILE *stream) {
/* Checks for trigraphs and returns the equivalant character if there
* is one. Expects that the leading '?' of the trigraph has already
* been read before this is called.
int ch;
if ('?' != (ch=read_char(stream))) {
unget_character(ch, stream);
return '?';
ch = read_char(stream);
switch(ch) {
case '(': return '[';
case ')': return ']';
case '/': return '\\';
case '\'': return '^';
case '<': return '{';
case '>': return '}';
case '!': return '|';
case '-': return '~';
case '=': return '#';
unget_character('?', stream);
unget_character(ch, stream);
return '?';
#ifdef DIGRAPH
static int check_digraph(PFILE *stream, int first) {
/* Checks for a digraph. The first character of the digraph is
* transmitted as the second parameter, as there are several possible
* first characters of a digraph.
int ch = read_char(stream);
switch(first) {
case '<':
if ('%' == ch)
return '{';
if (':' == ch)
return '[';
case ':':
if ('>' == ch)
return ']';
case '%':
if ('>' == ch)
return '}';
if (':' == ch)
return '#';
/* If it's not one of the specific combos above, return the characters
* separately and unchanged by putting the second one back into the
* stream, and returning the first one as-is.
unget_character(ch, stream);
return first;
static int get_char(PFILE *stream) {
/* Gets a single character from the stream with any trigraphs or digraphs converted
* to the single character represented. Note that handling digraphs this early in
* translation isn't really correct (and shouldn't happen in C at all).
int ch = read_char(stream);
if (ch == '?')
return check_trigraph(stream);
#ifdef DIGRAPH
if ((ch == '<' || ch == ':' || ch == '%'))
return check_digraph(stream, ch);
return ch;
int get_character(PFILE *stream) {
/* gets a character from `stream'. Any amount of any kind of whitespace
* is returned as a single space. Escaped new-lines are "eaten" here as well.
int ch;
if (!isspace(ch=get_char(stream)) && ch != '\\')
return ch;
// handle line-slicing
if (ch == '\\') {
ch = get_char(stream);
if (ch == '\n')
ch = get_char(stream);
else {
unget_character(ch, stream);
return ch;
/* If it's a space, skip over consecutive white-space */
while (isspace(ch) && ('\n' != ch))
ch = get_char(stream);
if ('\n' == ch)
return ch;
/* Then put the non-ws character back */
unget_character(ch, stream);
/* and return a single space character... */
return ' ';
static int read_char_lit(PFILE *stream) {
/* This is used internally by `get_source' (below) - it expects the
* opening quote of a character literal to have already been read and
* returns CHAR_LIT or ERROR if there's a newline before a close
* quote is found, or if the character literal contains more than two
* characters after escapes are taken into account.
int ch;
int i;
for (i=0; i<2 && ('\'' != (ch = read_char(stream))); i++) {
if (ch == '\n')
return ERROR;
if (ch == '\\') {
ch = get_char(stream);
if (i > 2)
return ERROR;
return CHAR_LIT;
static int read_str_lit(PFILE *stream) {
/* Used internally by get_source. Expects the opening quote of a string
* literal to have already been read. Returns STR_LIT, or ERROR if a
* un-escaped newline is found before the close quote.
int ch;
while ('"' != (ch = get_char(stream))) {
if ('\n' == ch || EOF == ch)
return ERROR;
if(ch == '\\') {
ch = read_char(stream);
return STR_LIT;
static int read_comment(PFILE *stream) {
/* Skips over a comment in stream. Assumes the leading '/' has already
* been read and skips over the body. If we're reading C++ source, skips
* C++ single line comments as well as normal C comments.
int ch;
ch = get_char(stream);
/* Handle a single line comment.
if ('/' == ch) {
while ('\n' != (ch = get_char(stream)))
return COMMENT;
if ('*' != ch) {
unget_character(ch, stream);
return '/';
do {
while ('*' !=(ch = get_char(stream)))
if (EOF == ch)
return ERROR;
} while ('/' != (ch=get_char(stream)));
return COMMENT;
int get_source(PFILE *stream) {
/* reads and returns a single "item" from the stream. An "item" is a
* comment, a literal or a single character after trigraph and possible
* digraph substitution has taken place.
int ch = get_character(stream);
switch(ch) {
case '\'':
return read_char_lit(stream);
case '"':
return read_str_lit(stream);
case '/':
return read_comment(stream);
return ch;
#ifdef TEST
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ch;
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: get_src <filename>\n");
if (NULL==(f= parse_fopen(argv[1]))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open: %s\n", argv[1]);
while (EOF!=(ch=get_source(f)))
if (ch < 0)
printf("\n%s\n", last_token);
printf("%c", ch);
return 0;
/* get_src.h */
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* This is the size of the largest token we'll attempt to deal with. If
* you want to deal with bigger tokens, change this, and recompile
* get_src.c. Note that an entire comment is treated as a single token,
* so long comments could overflow this. In case of an overflow, the
* entire comment will be read as a single token, but the part larger
* than this will not be stored.
#define MAX_TOKEN_SIZE 8192
/* `last_token' will contain the text of the most recently read token (comment,
* string literal, or character literal).
extern char last_token[];
/* This is the maximum number of characters that can be put back into a
* file opened with parse_fopen or parse_fdopen.
#define MAX_UNGETS 5
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
FILE *file;
char peeks[MAX_UNGETS];
int last_peek;
/* Some codes we return to indicate having found various items in the
* source code. ERROR is returned to indicate a newline found in the
* middle of a character or string literal or if a file ends inside a
* comment, or if a character literal contains more than two characters.
* Note that this starts at INT_MIN, the most negative number available
* in an int. This keeps these symbols from conflicting with any
* characters read from the file. However, one of these could
* theoretically conflict with EOF. EOF usually -1, and these are far
* more negative than that. However, officially EOF can be any value
* less than 0...
enum {
/* Opens a file for parsing and returns a pointer to a structure which
* can be passed to the other functions in the parser/lexer to identify
* the file being worked with.
PFILE *parse_fopen(char const *name);
/* This corresponds closely to fdopen - it takes a FILE * as its
* only parameter, creates a PFILE structure identifying that file, and
* returns a pointer to that structure.
PFILE *parse_ffopen(FILE *stream);
/* Corresponds to fclose.
int parse_fclose(PFILE *stream);
/* returns characters from `stream' read as C source code. String
* literals, characters literals and comments are each returned as a
* single code from those above. All strings of any kind of whitespace
* are returned as a single space character.
int get_source(PFILE *stream);
/* Basically, these two work just like the normal versions of the same,
* with the minor exception that unget_character can unget more than one
* character.
int get_character(PFILE *stream);
void unget_character(int ch, PFILE *stream);
#ifdef __cplusplus
然後所有的實施雖然我會想起將Flex集成到一個基於Flex的詞法分析器中 - 但我似乎記得Flex有一些鉤子來定義它用來讀取字符的方式,但我從來沒有嘗試過使用它,所以我可以「對它說得更多了(最終,甚至無法用任何接近確定的話來說它甚至存在)。
- 1. 編譯Bison/Flex文件時未定義的令牌
- 2. Bison Flex令牌用於讀取每個未定義的令牌
- 3. 在flex中定義令牌「int matrix」
- 4. MultiAutoCompleteTextView令牌定義
- 5. 定義令牌的「羣組」
- 6. 如何使用flex ant任務自定義令牌
- 7. 我可以在運行時定義flex令牌嗎?
- 8. Flex Builder端點令牌
- 9. ReferenceError:令牌未定義
- 10. 自定義saml令牌
- 11. 使用flex和yacc的整數令牌
- 12. Flex/Bison:糟糕的令牌管理?
- 13. Flex中的令牌識別錯誤
- 14. Lucene令牌的自定義屬性
- 15. Django的 - CSRF令牌沒有定義
- 16. 的Java定義:標籤,令牌
- 17. 的OAuth令牌和自定義錯誤
- 18. 「令牌?」的確切定義是什麼?
- 19. antlr4類似的令牌定義
- 20. .NET中的自定義CSRF令牌
- 21. WCf中的自定義令牌管理
- 22. 自定義令牌的Firebase彈出框
- 23. C#後令牌
- 24. 排除預定義關鍵字列表中的令牌定義
- 25. 從haskell中的文件獲取令牌後讀取令牌
- 26. 自定義Flex Slider插件
- 27. BISON + FLEX的語法 - 爲什麼令牌被連接在一起
- 28. 如何在Flex上識別令牌?
- 29. Flex令牌不能使用char * hashtable
- 30. 解析器與自定義類的對象作爲令牌
檢查gcc來源 – sidyll