(1) What is the latest version i should start learning Android ?
(2) What are the softwares i would need to compile and execute Android programs? Is there any link from where i can download them?.
(3) Which is the best book for a beginner? I have heard of "Beginning Android 3" by Mark Murphy, is that true?
這需要SDK問題在這裏有點偏離主題,爲什麼你不看http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html – MByD
從http://developer.android.com/guide/basics/what- is-android.html .. – ngesh
正如大家在這裏所建議的,請參閱Developers網站。就書本而言,除Mark Murphy的書籍外,還可以參考[Android Android](http://www.amazon.com/dp/1934356492/?tag=stackoverfl08-20),[Android編程]( http://www.amazon.com/dp/1449389694/?tag=stackoverfl08-20)和[學習Android](http://www.amazon.com/dp/1449390501/?tag=stackoverfl08-20)。 – Ghost