2012-08-15 418 views

如果您能將將鼠標懸停在更多按鈕,在這裏的菜單: http://jsfiddle.net/H8FVE/3/ 你會發現,大寬畫面的下方(#featured)是覆蓋下拉股利。爲什麼以及如何修復它?滑塊涵蓋大型下拉菜單


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         <img width="958px" height="340px" alt="10 moments in cinematic history changing faith" src="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/ip-man-donnie-yen-756651_958x340.jpg">    <div class="featured-top-shadow"></div> 
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         <p class="meta-info">Posted by <a rel="author" title="Posts by admin" href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?author=1">admin</a> on Aug 9, 2012</p> 
         <h2 class="featured-title"><a href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?p=43">Some random text here</a></h2> 
         <p>Well, I like this trailer a bit better than Chasing Mavericks’. Well for one, Gerry gets to keep his Scottish brogue, wahoo! Plus, I kind of like seeing him with kids. I mean the last time he played dad to a little boy was in the wonderful indie Dear Frankie, and he’s definitely a natural with them. Then there’s the supporting cast: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jessica Biel, Uma Thurman, Dennis Quaid and...</p> 
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         <img width="958px" height="340px" alt="More experimental testings" src="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/vlcsnap-2012-05-13-22h37m19s79-300x129.png">    <div class="featured-top-shadow"></div> 
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         <p class="meta-info">Posted by <a rel="author" title="Posts by admin" href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?author=1">admin</a> on Jul 30, 2012</p> 
         <h2 class="featured-title"><a href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?p=10">More experimental testings</a></h2> 
         <p>Lets see how this one turns out… Lets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one tur 
Lets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how this one turLets see how...</p> 
        <a class="readmore" href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?p=10">Read More</a> 
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         <img width="958px" height="340px" alt="Testing this theme with image" src="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/251932_10151043115229294_310983318_n-39277_635x340.jpg">    <div class="featured-top-shadow"></div> 
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         <p class="meta-info">Posted by <a rel="author" title="Posts by admin" href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?author=1">admin</a> on Jul 30, 2012</p> 
         <h2 class="featured-title"><a href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?p=6">Testing this theme with image</a></h2> 
         <p>And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting indeed.And this is how it looks, very interesting...</p> 
        <a class="readmore" href="http://ftframes.com/delheat/wordpress/?p=6">Read More</a> 
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ul#secondary-menu li { background: url(images/secondary-menu-bg.png) repeat-y top right; } 
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/* ---------- Mega Drop Down --------- */ 
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#mega { 

#mega li { 
padding: 23px 0px; 
border:0px solid #000; 
#mega li:hover { 
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z-index:1; /* shadow above adjacent li */ 

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/* --------- Within Div Styles --------- */ 
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#mega li.dif:hover div { 
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/*--------------[FEATURED SLIDER]-----------------*/ 

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雖然,我會建議遠眺問題的視覺呈現的小提琴: http://jsfiddle.net/H8FVE/3/



不合時宜,它看起來像一個Z索引問題。嘗試與圖像和/或導航元素的z-index混在一起。 – Lowkase 2012-08-15 14:02:34


我不熟悉你提出的z-index問題。如果您有機會忽略它,請隨時發佈答案。 – 2012-08-15 14:03:32










#mega div{ 
#mega li.dif:hover div { 
    left: -407px; 
    top: 72px; 


#mega > li.dif > div{ 
    left: -407px; 
    top: 72px; 
#mega > li.dif:hover > div { 
    display: block; 

這是因爲,如果你設置left:-999em;#mega div,你假設它不會被顯示,因爲-999em很多。但如果你想隱藏它,不是最好不要顯示它?

而且我添加了子選擇器(>),因爲將來也許你會修改它並在#mega > li.dif > div內添加更多div;並且兒童選擇器應該比後代選擇器更快。


謝謝你的答案,但是如果我爲**#mega li添加10到z-index有什麼區別:hover {**? – 2012-08-15 14:12:09


@Henrik Petterson這是一樣的。如果將它添加到'#second-menu',它的所有內容('#secondary-menu'和所有'#mega',不只是'#mega li')都會受到影響。他們將永遠處於頂端(不僅在':hover'上)。但是沒有什麼不妥,因爲當沒有':hover'時,'#mega'的內容不顯示。 – Oriol 2012-08-15 14:24:28


歡呼的回覆,請你提供更多關於你所做的編輯的信息,關於你發現的大型div等等......?你的情況會好嗎?另外,我已經提出了這個答案,並且一旦理解了編輯就會接受它作爲正確的答案。 – 2012-08-15 14:55:48



#mega li:hover { 
border-bottom:0; /* border-bottom:0; and padding-bottom:1px; keeps <li> and <div> connected */ 
z-index:10; /* shadow above adjacent li */ 




非常感謝,這工作得很好。雖然我有一個問題,您的解決方案和Oriol發佈的解決方案有什麼區別? – 2012-08-15 14:19:00


礦被應用於所有* li *元素,因爲他只是爲了這個ID。我沒有時間去瀏覽所有的東西,而這是我看到的第一個東西。他更好,因爲它能讓你精確控制橫幅上的內容,因爲我將在橫幅上提升一切。 – 2012-08-15 14:23:25


謝謝,我已經提高了這一點。 – 2012-08-15 16:24:28




給「#mega div」一個z-index爲2

給予#featured z-index爲1


使用z-index css屬性可以在HTML中以可視方式對象這樣的對象,而不管您的DOM樹。我建議你測試你最終實現跨瀏覽器,但尤其是IE7。該死的你IE7的額外工作,你讓我們所有人。


雖然我很清楚IE給我們開發者帶來的痛苦,但我對z-index屬性還不熟悉。你是否告訴我,如果我使用這裏發佈的任何建議的解決方案,它可能無法在IE7中工作? – 2012-08-15 14:11:02


完全沒有,這些都是正確的解決方案。您需要爲這些對象分配不同的z索引,如這些答案中所述。值較低的對象將位於較高值的對象後面。關於IE7的評論只是建議,因爲它的渲染引擎在某些情況下的行爲與最新的瀏覽器不同 – ComethTheNerd 2012-08-15 14:13:14


我明白,謝謝。我還建議您和任何開發網站的人向IE6-8的所有用戶添加免責聲明以更改瀏覽器。我已經將此添加到迄今爲止所做的所有項目中。 – 2012-08-15 14:14:55