我試圖將Leap Motion默認座標系從Leap Motion控制器更改爲骨架中的骨骼。Leap Motion座標系重新瞄準
* Copyright (C) Leap Motion, Inc. 2011-2014. *
* Leap Motion proprietary. Licensed under Apache 2.0 *
* Available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html *
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Leap;
// Interface for all hands.
public abstract class HandModel : MonoBehaviour {
public const int NUM_FINGERS = 5;
public float handModelPalmWidth = 0.085f;
public FingerModel[] fingers = new FingerModel[NUM_FINGERS];
protected Hand hand_;
protected HandController controller_;
protected bool mirror_z_axis_ = false;
public Vector3 GetHandOffset() {
if (controller_ == null || hand_ == null)
return Vector3.zero;
Vector3 additional_movement = controller_.handMovementScale - Vector3.one;
Vector3 scaled_wrist_position =
Vector3.Scale(additional_movement, hand_.WristPosition.ToUnityScaled(mirror_z_axis_));
return controller_.transform.TransformPoint(scaled_wrist_position) -
// Returns the palm position of the hand in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetPalmPosition() {
return controller_.transform.TransformPoint(hand_.PalmPosition.ToUnityScaled(mirror_z_axis_)) +
// Returns the palm rotation of the hand in relation to the controller.
public Quaternion GetPalmRotation() {
return GetController().transform.rotation * GetLeapHand().Basis.Rotation(mirror_z_axis_);
// Returns the palm direction of the hand in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetPalmDirection() {
return controller_.transform.TransformDirection(hand_.Direction.ToUnity(mirror_z_axis_));
// Returns the palm normal of the hand in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetPalmNormal() {
return controller_.transform.TransformDirection(hand_.PalmNormal.ToUnity(mirror_z_axis_));
// Returns the lower arm direction in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetArmDirection() {
return controller_.transform.TransformDirection(hand_.Arm.Direction.ToUnity(mirror_z_axis_));
// Returns the lower arm center in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetArmCenter() {
Vector leap_center = 0.5f * (hand_.Arm.WristPosition + hand_.Arm.ElbowPosition);
return controller_.transform.TransformPoint(leap_center.ToUnityScaled(mirror_z_axis_)) +
// Returns the lower arm elbow position in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetElbowPosition() {
Vector3 local_position = hand_.Arm.ElbowPosition.ToUnityScaled(mirror_z_axis_);
return controller_.transform.TransformPoint(local_position) + GetHandOffset();
// Returns the lower arm wrist position in relation to the controller.
public Vector3 GetWristPosition() {
Vector3 local_position = hand_.Arm.WristPosition.ToUnityScaled(mirror_z_axis_);
return controller_.transform.TransformPoint(local_position) + GetHandOffset();
// Returns the rotation quaternion of the arm in relation to the controller.
public Quaternion GetArmRotation() {
Quaternion local_rotation = hand_.Arm.Basis.Rotation(mirror_z_axis_);
return controller_.transform.rotation * local_rotation;
public Hand GetLeapHand() {
return hand_;
public void SetLeapHand(Hand hand) {
hand_ = hand;
for (int i = 0; i < fingers.Length; ++i) {
if (fingers[i] != null) {
public void MirrorZAxis(bool mirror = true) {
mirror_z_axis_ = mirror;
for (int i = 0; i < fingers.Length; ++i) {
if (fingers[i] != null)
public bool IsMirrored() {
return mirror_z_axis_;
public HandController GetController() {
return controller_;
public void SetController(HandController controller) {
controller_ = controller;
for (int i = 0; i < fingers.Length; ++i) {
if (fingers[i] != null)
public abstract void InitHand();
public abstract void UpdateHand();
你想使用Leapmotion移動角色手嗎? – 2015-02-12 11:21:36
是的,我確實...... – 2015-02-13 00:08:06
你能給我發電子郵件到[email protected]嗎?我很樂意讓您與我們的Unity工程師聯繫。 – 2015-02-18 19:55:28