2015-12-20 25 views


package com.theironyard.Entities; 

import javax.persistence.*; 
import java.time.LocalDate; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

* Created by macbookair on 12/8/15. 

@Table(name = "weddings") 
public class Wedding { 

    public ArrayList <User> guests; 
    // ArrayList here is to store users associated with Wedding. 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public int id; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String weddingName; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String location; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String date; 

    public Wedding(){ 

    public Wedding(String date, String location, String weddingName, int id) { 
     this.date = date; 
     this.location = location; 
     this.weddingName = weddingName; 
     this.id = id; 

    public Wedding(ArrayList guests) { 
     this.guests = guests; 

    public int getId() { 
     return id; 

    public ArrayList getGuests() { 
     return guests; 

    public void setGuests(ArrayList guests) { 
     this.guests = guests; 

    public void setId(int id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    public String getWeddingName() { 
     return weddingName; 

    public void setWeddingName(String weddingName) { 
     this.weddingName = weddingName; 

    public String getLocation() { 
     return location; 

    public void setLocation(String location) { 
     this.location = location; 

    public String getDate() { 
     return date; 

    public void setDate(String date) { 
     this.date = date; 


@Table (name = "users") 
public class User { 

    public ArrayList<Wedding>userWeddings; 
    // Array List to store weddings associated with user. 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public int id; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String username; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String phone; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String email; 

    @Column(nullable = false) 
    public String password; 

    public User() { 

    public User(ArrayList<Wedding> userWeddings) { 
     this.userWeddings = userWeddings; 

    public User(int id, String username, String phone, String email, String password) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.username = username; 
     this.phone = phone; 
     this.email = email; 
     this.password = password; 


    public ArrayList<Wedding> getUserWeddings() { 
     return userWeddings; 

    public void setUserWeddings(ArrayList<Wedding> userWeddings) { 
     this.userWeddings = userWeddings; 

    public int getId() { 
     return id; 

    public String getUsername() { 
     return username; 

    public String getPhone() { 
     return phone; 

    public String getEmail() { 
     return email; 

    public String getPassword() { 
     return password; 


@RequestMapping(path = "/create-wedding", method = RequestMethod.POST) 
public Wedding createWedding(@RequestBody Wedding wedding, HttpSession session) throws Exception { 

    User user = users.findOneByEmail((String) session.getAttribute("email")); 
    if (user == null) { 
     throw new Exception("User does not exist"); 


Invite invite = new Invite(); 
    invite.isAdmin= true; 
    invite.wedding= wedding; 
    invite.email = user.email; 
    user.userWeddings.add(wedding); // adding user to List in "User class" 

    return wedding; 

但我得到一個空指針異常,因爲數組列表爲空。我的印象是,如果我沒有明確地說他們是不可空的,那麼默認情況下他們會是。我考慮添加(nullable = true)註釋,但我似乎無法做到這一點,而不必將其作爲數據庫中的列。




您忘記聲明JPA @ManyToMany註釋,它定義了用戶和婚禮實體之間的關係。 (以上兩個字段)



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