file = "Filename" + "str(int)" + ".txt"
現在我認爲下一部分應該很容易。我只需要在這裏將str(int)寫入文件即可。但這並不容易。在家裏的Linux中,它工作得很好,但在Windows上工作很困難。我使用Unicode UTF-8將file.seek(1000)
之後必須要做的事情寫入文件。我用程序其餘部分的這段代碼完成了這個任務。我將記錄它,以便能夠理解正在發生的事情。我不想用Unicode編寫它,而是希望能夠用良好的舊的普通英文ASCII字符來編寫它。最終,這個程序將被擴展爲在每個文件的底部包含更多的數據。不得不用Unicode編寫數據會讓事情變得非常困難。如果我只是寫入數據而不把它轉換成Unicode,這就是結果。這個字符串應該說是#2 =1534
,而不是它說的#2 =ㄠ㌵433.
之類的數據將數據寫入文件,而不必使用Unicode UTF-8。
while a1 < d1 :
file = "file" + str(a1) + ".par"
f = open(file, "r+")
data = f.read() #reads the data from that point in the file into a variable.
numList= list(str(a1)) # "a1" is the integer in the file name. I had to turn the integer into a list to accomplish the next task.
replaceData = '\x00' + numList[0] + '\x00' + numList[1] + '\x00' + numList[2] + '\x00' + numList[3] + '\x00' #This line turns the integer into Utf 8 Unicode. I am by no means a Unicode expert.
currentData = data #probably didn't need to be done now that I'm looking at this.
data = data.replace(currentData, replaceData) #replaces the Utf 8 string in the "data" variable with the new Utf 8 string in "replaceData."
f.seek(1011) # Return to where I need to be in the file to write the data.
f.write(data) # Write the new Unicode data to the file
f.close() #close the file
f.close() #make sure the file is closed (sometimes it seems that this fails in Windows.)
a1 += 1 #advances the integer, and then return to the top of the loop
這不是UTF-8。它看起來更像UTF-16BE。 –
好吧,我不確定我自己。感謝您的更正。我不熟悉Unicode。我基本上只是用與舊的格式相同的格式創建新的字符串,但使用不同的數字。 – CigEmacs