我需要建立一個數組,包含10個條目,程序提示用戶,如果第一個條目是9999,我需要編程退出。我還需要使用try/catch來獲取錯誤。下面是我所擁有的,但是當我輸入try/catch循環時,我無法得到變量'number'以被識別...... HELP !!!循環中的循環環Java
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nextIndex = 1;
int[] numberFun;
numberFun = new int [10]; //creates the array with 10 entries
Scanner Keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);
int entry = 0;
//I'm trying to get the first entry to determine if it equals 9999 with this section
int firstNumber=0;
System.out.println ("Please enter a number");
firstNumber = Keyboard.nextInt();
numberFun[0] = firstNumber;
if (firstNumber != 9999)
while (entry < 9) //this loop is supposed to obtain the other 9 entries for the array from the user
int number;
System.out.println ("Please enter a number");
try // this is supposed to provide an error if the user enters something that is not a number
number = Keyboard.nextInt();
catch (Exception ex)
//display error message here
numberFun[nextIndex] = number;
System.err.println("Command Accepted. Exiting Program.");
您可能只需要初始化int(例如int number = 0;) –