2017-07-11 99 views




#Region "QuickSort" 
    'Subroutine for QuickSort, called upon recursively until list is sorted' 
    Private Sub QuickSort(ByRef list(,) As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) 'min is index of first term, max is index of last term' 
     If min < max Then 'Checks if list is sorted' 
      Dim pivotLoc = Partition(list, min, max) 'Gets the next pivot position' 
      QuickSort(list, min, pivotLoc) 'Sorts the two new sublists' 
      QuickSort(list, pivotLoc + 1, max) 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Private Function Partition(ByRef list(,) As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) As Integer 
     Dim pivot = list(min, 0) 'Initially sets the pivot to be the minimum value in the list' 
     Dim leftWall = min 

     For i As Integer = min + 1 To max 'For each item in sublist' 
      If list(i, 0) < pivot Then 'If current item is less than the pivot swap it onto other side of pivot' 
       Swap(list, i, leftWall) 
       leftWall += 1 'Increment leftWall' 
      End If 

     Swap(list, min, leftWall) 'When this line exists System.StackOverflowException occurs' 
     Return leftWall 
    End Function 

    'Subroutine that swaps values in list around using temporary storage variables' 
    Private Sub Swap(ByRef list(,) As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) 
     Dim tempVal = list(x, 0) 
     Dim tempIndex = list(x, 1) 

     list(x, 0) = list(y, 0) 
     list(x, 1) = list(y, 1) 

     list(y, 0) = tempVal 
     list(y, 1) = tempIndex 
    End Sub 
#End Region 




只是檢查調用堆棧異常時扔給它。這將很容易看到遞歸調用的內容。 –


QuickSort()是根據調用堆棧調用的函數。我仍然不確定爲什麼刪除最後的Swap()會停止溢出,因爲它本身不會調用QuickSort –


正確。因此,使用調試器來檢查這些值。如果它發生在一個小列表中,我不得不假定你的'Partition' /'Swap'邏輯中的某個東西導致'QuickSort'重複調用它本身,爲'min'和'max'傳遞相同的參數。所以,弄清楚是什麼狀況導致它陷入這種情況,這將解決你的問題。 –




#Region "QuickSort" 
    'Subroutine for QuickSort, called upon recursively until list is sorted' 
    Private Sub QuickSort(ByRef list(,) As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) 'min is index of first term, max is index of last term' 
     If min < max Then 'Checks if list is sorted' 
      Dim pivotLoc = Partition(list, min, max) 'Gets the next pivot position' 
      QuickSort(list, min, pivotLoc) 'Sorts the two new sublists' 
      QuickSort(list, pivotLoc + 1, max) 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Private Function Partition(ByRef list(,) As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) As Integer 
     Dim pivot = list(min, 0) 'Initially sets the pivot to be the minimum value in the list' 
     Dim pivotIndex = list(min, 1) 
     Dim leftWall = min 

     For i As Integer = min + 1 To max 'For each item in sublist' 
      If list(i, 0) < pivot Then 'If current item is less than the pivot swap it onto other side of pivot' 
       Swap(list, i, leftWall) 
       leftWall += 1 'Increment leftWall' 
      End If 

     'Swap(list, min, leftWall) 'When this line exists System.StackOverflowException occurs' 

     'Instead do this' 
     list(leftWall, 0) = pivot 
     list(leftWall, 1) = pivotIndex 

     Return leftWall 
    End Function 

    'Subroutine that swaps values in list around using temporary storage variables' 
    Private Sub Swap(ByRef list(,) As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) 
     Dim tempVal = list(x, 0) 
     Dim tempIndex = list(x, 1) 

     list(x, 0) = list(y, 0) 
     list(x, 1) = list(y, 1) 

     list(y, 0) = tempVal 
     list(y, 1) = tempIndex 
    End Sub 
#End Region