目前,它會顯示正確的錯誤消息,如果文件類型是錯誤的,超過3MB,但是當我嘗試上載17MB .bmp文件它取消並記錄我出去。它似乎重新啓動我的process.php文件後,它已經處理了預期的功能。
<form action="process.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="formUpload">
<input type="file" name="photo" id="photobrowser" tabindex="4">
<span class="error"><?php echo $form->error("photo"); ?></span><br />
<input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="<?php echo $sessionid; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="subphoto" value="1" />
<input type="image" src="styling/images/button-add-photo.png" id="subBtn" tabindex="6" />
class Process {
function Process(){ /* Class constructor */
global $session;
if(isset($_POST['subphoto'])){ /* User submitted an advert photo */
} else if($session->logged_in){ /* No form was submitted therefor logout */
} else { /* User trying to view this file */
header("Location: /");
function procAddPhoto(){
global $session, $form;
$retval = $session->addPhoto($_FILES['photo']['size'], $_FILES['photo']['type'], $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $_POST['sessionid']);
if($retval == 0){ /* Successful */
// do stuff
} else if($retval == 1){ /* Errors found */
// do stuff
} else if($retval == 2){ /* Adding failed */
// do stuff
} // close function procAddPhoto()
$process = new Process; /* Initialize process */
function addPhoto($subphotoSize,$subphotoType,$subphotoTmpname,$subsessionid){
global $database, $form;
$maxFileSize = 3000000; // bytes (3 MB)
/* Image error checking */
$field = "photo";
if($subphotoSize == 0){
$form->setError($field, "* No file selected");
} else {
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($subphotoTmpname);
if($width > 4000){
$form->setError($field, "* Max photo width is 4000 pixels.");
} else if($subphotoSize > $maxFileSize) {
$form->setError($field, "* Photo is above the maximum of 3 MB");
} else if(($subphotoType != "image/jpeg") && ($subphotoType != "image/pjpeg") && ($subphotoType != "image/png")){
$form->setError($field, "* $subphotoType is wrong file type");
/* Errors exist, have user correct them */
if($form->num_errors > 0){
return 1; //Errors with form
} else { // Else use variables
/* Get random string for new filename name */
$randNum = $this->generateRandStr(10);
$filerootpath = PHOTOS_DIR.$subsessionid."/";
$thumbrootpath = PHOTOS_DIR.$subsessionid."/thumbs/";
if($subphotoType == "image/png"){
$filename = $randNum.".png";
} else if ($subphotoType == "image/jpeg" || $subphotoType == "image/pjpeg"){
$filename = $randNum.".jpg";
$fullURL = $filerootpath.$filename;
$thumbURL = $thumbrootpath.$filename;
/* Make sure file is RGB colors */
$getimagesize = getimagesize($subphotoTmpname);
if (isset($getimagesize['channels']) && $getimagesize['channels'] == 4 && $getimagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
$im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($subphotoTmpname);
if ($im) {
imagejpeg($im, $image, 75);
/* Upload files to correct folders */
move_uploaded_file($subphotoTmpname, "$fullURL");
/* Use session ID for the advert ID because it hasnt been made yet */
$userSession = $this->userinfo['userid'];
$ownerID = $this->userinfo['id'];
if(!$database->addNewPhoto($ownerID,$fullURL,$userSession,$is_main_photo, $subsessionid, $thumbURL)){
return 2; // Failed to add to database
return 0; // Success
「除非,該文件的大小是幾MB,在這種情況下,它會將用戶完全註銷」你的用戶會因此而愛你...... – Brad
感謝那個大聲笑。 – user29660