第二類是我有問題的地方。在接收班中,我試圖接收數據,但它永遠不會到達那裏。使用packetsniff,我發現在該套接字上甚至沒有接收調用。運行代碼時,它直接在socket.receive()調用之前的println語句,但它不會運行它。有什麼奇怪的,它會超時! 爲什麼沒有收到?
package us.wsu.compnet.reliabletransfer;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
* This class implements a receiver of the Stop-And-Wait reliable transfer protocol
public class MyServerSocket implements Runnable {
private PipedOutputStream internalOutputStream; // Stream to which we write data for the upper layer
private PipedInputStream upperLayerStream; // Stream given to upper layer, connected to internalOutputStream
private DatagramSocket sock;
private DatagramPacket pack;
private byte[] buf;
private int seqNum;
* Creates a receiver socket on a given port.
public MyServerSocket(int port) throws SocketException {
// Open the UDP socket.
sock = new DatagramSocket(port);
System.out.println("" + sock.getInetAddress() + " " + sock.getPort() + "\n");
buf = new byte[1000];
pack = new DatagramPacket(buf,buf.length);
seqNum = 0;
// Create stream to the upper layer.
internalOutputStream = new PipedOutputStream();
try {upperLayerStream = new PipedInputStream(internalOutputStream);}
catch (IOException e) {/* This should not happen. */}
// Start thread that will receive the data packets and reply with acks.
(new Thread(this)).start();
* Returns the InputStream associated with the socket.
public InputStream getInputStream() {
return upperLayerStream;
* Implementation of the receiver protocol.
public void run() {
// Receive datagram.
int x = 0;
while (x < 10000)
System.out.println("Waiting to recieve packet");
System.out.println("Packet Recieved");
catch(Exception e){
// Extract sequence number and data payload.
MyDataPacket p;
p = new MyDataPacket(buf,buf.length-1);
// If packet is received for the first time, deliver to upper layer.
if (p.getSeqNum() == seqNum)
internalOutputStream.write(p.getData(), 0, p.getData().length);
seqNum = (byte) (1-seqNum);
// Send ack.
MyAckPacket ack;
ack = new MyAckPacket(seqNum);
DatagramPacket pout;
pout = new DatagramPacket(ack.toByteArray(),ack.toByteArray().length);
DatagramSocket outSock;
outSock = new DatagramSocket(pack.getPort(),pack.getAddress());
catch (IOException e){/*Do Nothing*/}
如何添加生成的輸出粘貼?另外,客戶端和服務器綁定了哪些端口號? – 2013-04-07 19:17:53
此代碼的輸出是,socket.recieve函數一遍又一遍地超時。客戶端和服務器分別綁定到9876和9875。此外,在構造函數中輸出inetaddress和端口號的打印函數會輸出「null -1」 – Sidney 2013-04-07 23:36:28
此代碼的輸出缺少在您嘗試發送未收到數據時所拋出的所有異常,因爲你在捕捉並忽略它們。不要這樣做。 – EJP 2013-04-08 04:06:37