import java.util.Random;
public class Customer {
//create a random number between 2 and 5 seconds it takes to process a customer through teller
Random number = new Random();
protected int arrivalTime; //determines the arrival time of a customer to a bank
protected int processTime; //the amount of time the customer spend with the teller
//a customer determines the arrival time of a customer
public Customer(int at) {
arrivalTime = at;
processTime = number.nextInt(5 - 2 + 2) + 2; //the process time is between 2 and 5 seconds
public int getArrival() {
return arrivalTime;
public int getProcess() {
return processTime; //return the processTime
public boolean isDone() {
//this is the method I am trying to create once the process Time is expired
//it will return true which means the teller is unoccupied
//if the time is not expired it will return false and teller is occupied
boolean expired = false;
return expired;
public class Teller {
boolean free; //determines if teller if free
Customer rich; //a Customer object
public Teller() {
free = true; //the teller starts out unoccupied
public void addCustomer(Customer c) { //a customer is being added to the teller
rich = c;
free = false; //the teller is occupied
public boolean isFree() {
if (rich.isDone() == true) {
return true; //if the customer is finished at the teller the return true
} else {
return false;
可能的重複[如何測量Java中的時間?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17700 10/how-do-i-measure-time-elapsed-in-java) – Obicere
我認爲,但我的是相對於布爾事物.. –
它更像是如果足夠有秒已經過去做這個,如果不這樣做 –