2013-03-16 183 views


我想知道,如果你把在火花動畫的密切關注,他們得到更慢,在特定點停止。這與邊界有關嗎? 如何禁用此「stop'n'go」?


* FireFly v1.1.1 - jQuery plugin 
* An updated version of Dharmveer Motyar's firefly plugin. 
* Creates an effect of fireflys flying around your page. 
* @example $.firefly() 
* // to stop and start 
* $.firefly.stop() 
* $.firefly.start() 
* Copyright © 2011 Matt 'Dirty Monkey' Stevens, http://www.dirtymonkey.co.uk 
* License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 
* default settings 
    var defaults = { 
     // base64 encoded to cut down requests, 
     // doesn't work in IE <= 7.0 and I'm not bothered to be honest 
     images: [ // spark one 
        // spark two 
        // spark three 
        // spark four 
     total: 50, // anything over a few hundred is gonna crawl 
     boundary: 100, // avoid the edge of the window 
     fast: 5, // fastest spark (a lower number is faster) 
     slow: 1, // slowest spark (a higher number is slower) 
     limit: 3600, // stop after this many seconds (one hour) 

    // shortcuts 
    var ff, ffs, x, y, old_x, old_y, start, timer_handle, delay_handle, sparks = [] 

    // init 
    // initializes and starts everything 
    $.firefly = function(settings){ 
     ff = $.firefly 
     ffs = $.extend({}, defaults, settings) 

     ff.calibrate() // get size of window 
     ff.make() // load the spark images 
     ff.start() // start moving them 
     ff.check_time() // start timer 

    // create 
    // creates every spark and inserts it into the DOM 
    $.firefly.make = function(){ 
     for (i = 0; i < ffs.total; i++) 
      sparks[i] = ff.create(ffs.images[ff.random(0,ffs.images.length-1)]) 

    // start 
    // records start time, watches window resize and begins movement 
    $.firefly.start = function(){ 
     start = parseInt((new Date).getTime()/1000) 
     $(window).bind('resize.firefly', function(){ 
      ff.delay(ff.resized, 250) 
     for (i = 0; i < sparks.length; i++) ff.move(sparks[i]) 

    // reset 
    // stop and remove all fireflies, then create and start them again 
    $.firefly.reset = function(){ 
     for (i = 0; i < ffs.total; i++) 


    // delay 
    // utility function to prevent the resize event from being fired multiple times 
    $.firefly.delay = function(callback, milliseconds){ 
     delay_handle = setTimeout(callback, milliseconds); 

    // resized 
    // event handler to deal with window resizing 
    $.firefly.resized = function(e){ 
     (x < old_x || y < old_y) && ff.reset() 

    // stop 
    // freezes a spark in its current position 
    $.firefly.stop = function(){ 
     for (i = 0; i < sparks.length; i++) $(sparks[i]).stop(true) 

    // remove 
    // removes a spark from the DOM 
    $.firefly.remove = function() { 
     for (i = 0; i < ffs.total; i++) $('img[src="'+ffs.images[i]+'"]').remove() 

    // create 
    // inserts a spark into the DOM at a random position 
    $.firefly.create = function(i){ 
     var spark = $('<img>').attr({'src':i}).hide() 

     spark.css({'position': 'absolute', 
        'z-index': ff.random(0, 20), 
        'top': ff.random(ffs.boundary, y - ffs.boundary), 
        'left': ff.random(ffs.boundary, x - ffs.boundary) 

     return spark.show() 

    // move 
    // animate to a random position, within the boundaries 
    $.firefly.move = function(image){ 
     image.animate({top: ff.random(ffs.boundary,y-ffs.boundary), // x coordinate 
         left: ff.random(ffs.boundary,x-ffs.boundary)}, // y coordinate 
         ff.random(ffs.slow,ffs.fast) * 1000, // speed 
         function(){ff.move(image)}) // callback 

    // check_time 
    // check every second whether or not we have passed the time limit 
    $.firefly.check_time = function(){ 
     if (parseInt((new Date).getTime()/1000) > (start+ffs.limit)) { 
     } else { 
      window.setTimeout('$.firefly.check_time()', 1000) 

    // calibrate 
    // get the dimensions of the window 
    $.firefly.calibrate = function(){ 
     old_x = x 
     old_y = y 

     x = $(window).width() 
     y = $(window).height() 

    // random 
    // return a random number between a and b 
    $.firefly.random = function(a,b){ 
     return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1)+a) 





$.firefly.resized = function(e){ 
    //(x < old_x || y < old_y) && ff.reset() 