非常感謝您的幫助,我已經完成了所有更改,如下所示。然而,它不工作... :( 我可能做錯了什麼,你介意接受另一個選擇? 謝謝你所做的一切!procs avg和IsZugi無法在我的彙編代碼中工作
我忘了提及,我創建了幾個數組如果它使任何differens ... ArrayA DW 9 DUP(0) ArrayB DW 9 DUP(0) ArrayC DW 9 DUP(0) proc Part2 GoAgain: mov ah, 1 ;receives a number int 21h cmp al,65 ;checks if A jne TryNext call PrintA jmp GoAgain TryNext:cmp al,66 ;checks if B jne TryNext2 call PrintB jmp GoAgain TryNext2: cmp al,67 ;checks if C jne TryNext3 call PrintC jmp GoAgain TryNext3: cmp al,69 ;checks if E jne TryNext4 push offset counter call IsZugi jmp GoAgain TryNext4: cmp al,80 ;checks if P jne TryNext5 push offset counter call IsZugi jmp GoAgain TryNext5: cmp al,86 jne TryNext6 push offset counter call avg jmp GoAgain TryNext6: cmp al,'#' jne TryAgain ret TryAgain:mov dx, offset message2 mov ah, 9h int 21h jmp GoAgain ret endp Part2 proc PrintA mov dl,'a' mov ah, 2h int 21h mov bx,0 again: cmp [bx],0 ;checks if index isnt empty jne NotEnd2 ret NotEnd2:mov dl,' ' ;print space mov ah, 2h int 21h mov ax,[word ptr bx] add al,30h mov dl,al;print the number mov ah, 2h int 21h inc bx ;goes to the next index jmp again ret endp PrintA proc PrintB mov dl,'b' mov ah, 2h int 21h mov bx,10 again2: cmp [bx],0 ;checks if index isnt empty jne NotEnd2 ret NotEnd3:mov dl,' ' ;print space mov ah, 2h int 21h mov ax,[word ptr bx] add al,30h mov dl,al;print the number mov ah, 2h int 21h inc bx ;goes to the next index jmp again ret endp PrintB proc PrintC mov dl,'c' mov ah, 2h int 21h mov bx,20 again3: cmp [bx],0 ;checks if index isnt empty jne NotEnd2 ret NotEnd4:mov dl,' ' ;print space mov ah, 2h int 21h mov ax,[word ptr bx] add al,30h mov dl,al;print the number mov ah, 2h int 21h inc bx ;goes to the next index jmp again ret endp PrintC proc IsZugi pop [ReturnAddress] pop si;counter mov dx,0 mov bx,0;the beginning redo: mov ax,2;to check if number%2=0 mov dx,0 mov cx,[bx];cx=number cmp cx,0;checks if index=null je next;all the array was read mov di,ax mov ax,cx mov cx,di div cx;number/2 inc bx cmp dx,0;to check if number%2=0 jne redo;go to the next index inc [word ptr si];inc counter jmp redo next: inc dx cmp dx,2 ja LastArray mov bx,10;moves to the second array jmp redo LastArray: cmp dx,3 je done mov bx,29;moves to the last array jmp redo done: mov dl,'P';print p mov ah, 2h int 21h mov dl,' ';print space mov ah, 2h int 21h mov al,[byte ptr si] add al,30h mov dl,al;print the counter mov ah, 2h int 21h mov dl,'E';print e mov ah, 2h int 21h mov dl,' ';print space mov ah, 2h int 21h mov cl,[byte ptr si] mov ch,9 sub ch,cl add ch,30h mov dl,ch;print the 9-counter int 21h push [ReturnAddress]
endp IsZugi
proc IsLegal
mov bx,0
pop [ReturnAddress]
pop ax ;receives the number
cmp ax, 8 ;checks if belongs to A
jb B
cmp [word ptr bx],0;occupied or not
je NotOccupied
inc bx
jmp occupied?
mov [bx],ax ;enters the number to it's place
jmp finish
B: cmp ax,6 ;checks if belongs to B
jb CC
add bx,10 ;moves to the next array
occupied2?: cmp [word ptr bx],0 ;checks if index occupied
je NotOccupied2
inc bx ;checks next index
jmp occupied2?
NotOccupied2: mov [bx],ax ;enters the value to it's array
jmp finish
CC: add bx,20 ;the beginning of the next array
occupied3?: cmp [word ptr bx],0 ;checks if empty
je NotOccupied3
inc bx ;checks next index
jmp occupied3?
mov [bx],ax ;enters the value to it's array
finish: cmp ax,9 ;checks if legal
ja FalseExit ;if illegal exit
cmp ax,0 ;checks if legal
jl FalseExit ;if illegal exit
push 0 ;since we poped ax
push [ReturnAddress]
endp IsLegal
proc avg
pop [ReturnAddress]
mov bx,0 ;first index
pop si ;si=sum
suming: mov ax,[word ptr si] ;it's impossible to do- mov [si],[bx] so...
add ax,[bx];sum+=bx
mov [word ptr si],ax
inc bx
cmp bx,29
jne suming
mov dx, offset message ;print avg
mov ah, 9h
int 21h
mov ax,[word ptr si]
mov [word ptr si],9
div ax
add al,30h
mov dl,al
mov ah,2
int 21h
push 0
push [ReturnAddress]
endp avg
jmp TrueStart
FalseExit: jmp exit
TrueStart: mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov cx,9 ;loop*9
zloop: mov ah, 1 ;receives a number
int 21h
sub al,30h ;reveal the real number
mov ah,0 ;we only need al, however we can only push word
push ax ;pushes the number
call IsLegal
;loop zloop
push offset sum
call avg
push offset counter
;call IsZugi
;call PrintA
;call PrintB
;call PrintC
;call Part2
call Creative
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