2014-03-29 89 views

我使用foreach循環創建了所有項目的腳本,任何人都知道如何在頁面上顯示一個項目,以及某人單擊下一個箭頭以顯示下一個tweet或單擊prev時顯示prev tweet?上一頁和下一頁數組


<?php include "tw/twitteroauth.php"; ?> 
    $consumer = ""; 
    $consumersecret = ""; 
    $accesstoken = ""; 
    $accesstokensecret = ""; 

    $twitter = new TwitterOAuth($consumer, $consumersecret,$accesstoken, $accesstokensecret); 


     <meta charset="utf-8" /> 



$tweets = $twitter -> get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=MiDizajn&count=100'); 
foreach($tweets as $tweet){ 

     print_r($tweet -> text.'<br /><br />'); 





Donec mauris leo, ultricies at nulla euismod, facilisis dapibus quam. Maecenas pharetra eros non dolor bibendum http://t.co/dZuDAW37pT... 

proba neka 

Win a brand new HTPC worth over 1400 Euro http://t.co/b70wypaQbo 

I just joined @SteelSeries Christmas Illuminated contest to win a Dota 2 Mouse Bundle. You can too: http://t.co/NJxOJk6fyX 

Ive just entered to win an Asus R9 280X Matrix Platinum thanks to OC3D! http://t.co/azbdOFmWIF 

I just got a code for free Gems in the Settlers Online: @CastleEmpire http://t.co/JKLdoMQlU9 


RT @d3expert: Follow us + retweet for a chance to win 1x Book of Cain and 1x Diablo 2013 Wall Calendar EU only. More giveaways: http://t ... 

@palicomp are giving away an @amdradeon 7950HD Graphics Card!! Answer a question on facebook to enter! http://t.co/Yzhia6W1 #palicomp #amd 

@goran_jovanovic http://t.co/iO1VZu6R 

Win a PNY GeForce GTX 650Ti http://t.co/gft1TKWM 

Winpics [20] http://t.co/z7uQaBrG via @ftw_nl 

Corsair Vengeance Gaming Bundle Giveaway: http://t.co/y0Aqr74D 

just requested a beta invite @koding, a new way for developers to work! http://t.co/n5cQZmpr 

RT @POPodcast: Retweet for a chance to win Kingdom Rush HD from @ArmorGames! Mike is addicted and feeling generous! You have one hour to ... 

@1v4nB Hvala!!! 

@rain_wind_storm pogledaj nase radove od ranije na http://t.co/ezwp5LiS 

@goran_jovanovic http://t.co/ggMUkCfd 

@goran_jovanovic http://t.co/no8lrtae 

Enter to win a #GIGABYTE G1.Assassin2 motherboard w/ @futurelooks @MEGATechNews @eSportsCN ! http://t.co/iZ5pyZYn 

Follow @massluminosity on Twitter for the best #gamer #giveaways 


BARinfo - Šobić, Sklonište, Dado, Hanka, Laboratorija... u Baru http://t.co/gNG0B0d5 

RT @D_eSports: Who wants to win a @ZOWIEGEAR MiCO? Retweet this message and follow @D_eSports and @ZOWIEGEAR to enter the competition! # ... 


RT @IvanSimoSimic: @goran_jovanovic Evo rjeshenja! http://t.co/O7U4WX0V 

Ivy Bridge proven to suffer from poor thermal grease by http://t.co/aZgRZZds http://t.co/kYIBQ6r8 via @VRZone 


RT @goran_jovanovic: http://t.co/Xl5KdprA 

RT @BARinfo_me: NOVO!!!!! http://t.co/5PuGxJss http://t.co/FObQHl7e 

Blic Online | EU neće ratifikovati sporazum Akta http://t.co/mUeZKQxV via @Blic_online 

RT @BARinfo_me: Uskoro nešto novo... 

RT @D3Sanc: We must fight harder! Don't let #D2 lose with 49% of the votes!!! http://t.co/EDKu0yqG 

Help me win a #Diablo3 Beta Key! http://t.co/YOnHgpjD 

I just entered to win a #Diablo3 Beta Key – follow @wowjuju and visit http://t.co/DtT0fD5h to enter the contest. 

RT @d3expert: Round 5 of 5 of the Giveaway! Follow us + Retweet and have a chance of winning 5 Beta Keys.Winners, Rules and Details: htt ... 

@Mare085Marko yummy :) 

Hachitosh alive!!! 

I just signed up for the Guild Wars 2 beta. Join the revolution! http://t.co/WVAQcqDE #GW2 #guildwars2 via @GuildWars2 

RT @YourAnonNews: TANGO DOWN - Interpol main http://t.co/tmhiBKCj (via @blackTuesdayHG) #Anonymous #ActAgainstACTA 

Intel 'Ivy Bridge' desktop chip prices leak - TechSpot News http://t.co/O3cg7f2i via @techspot 

RT @YourAnonNews: I can't wait to someday tell my kids that their grandparents are older than the modern Internet. That won't blow their ... 

RT @YourAnonNews: Love all. Trust few. Always paddle your own canoe. ツ 

RT @YourAnonNews: ACTA is falling apart in Europe | GET INVOLVED and ACT AGAINST ACTA - Here's How: http://t.co/ImybhSoj 

RT @YourAnonNews: #Anonymous. We are beyond common definitions. We are the movement, progression and realisation of an idea whose time h ... 

RT @YourAnonNews: BREAKING: UK Seizes & Shuts Down Popular Music Blog RnBXclusive, Arrest Operators and Threaten Readers for Piracy | ht ... 

RT @Blic_online: #svet Hakeri "Anonimusi" srušili sajt Interpola http://t.co/G9NmQ8Kz 

ASrock Competition less than 30min left!!! http://t.co/zeChpmlW 

New version of GPUz. http://t.co/ONbMqYCQ 

Fresh from kitchen :) http://t.co/I0gmFdWw 

Big changes to Diablo 3 detailed, more to come • News • http://t.co/6RsZneLV http://t.co/TiAElt7V 

I support #wikipediablackout! Show your support here http://t.co/o2C0wUYb 

14 Days Christmas Giveaway http://t.co/HR87Nuou 

18 hours of overclocking 

http://t.co/zTIkGWqc via @vijestime 

http://t.co/sylX7wsV via @vijestime 

Blic Online | Pogledajte kako su izgledale prve verzije "Gugla", Fejsbuka, Jutjuba... http://t.co/n6xWKl6G via @Blic_online 



搜索「分頁」。你會在Google和Stack Overflow上找到很多結果。 –


jquery數據表也不錯。 –




    <div id="tweets"> 
     $tweets = $twitter -> get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=MiDizajn&count=100'); 
     $first = true; 
     foreach($tweets as $tweet){ 
      print_r('<span'.($first?'':'style="display: none"').'>'.$tweet -> text.'</span><br /><br />'); 

       $first = false; 

    <button id="prev">prev</button> 
    <button id="next">next</button> 


      if($("#tweets>span:visible").prev().size() > 0){ 

      if($("#tweets>span:visible").next().size() > 0){ 

