2016-09-21 74 views




    class Calendar extends FormElement { 
var $holidays = array(); 
var $showHolidays = true; 
var $weekStartDay = 0; 

var $mHeader = "padding: 5px; font-size: 8pt; color: #333333; background-color: #d9d9d9;"; 
var $mDayCell = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid silver; font-size: 8pt; color: #333333; background-color: #ffffff;"; 
var $mDaySelected = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid silver; font-size: 8pt; color: #666666; background-color: #a6ccf7;"; 
var $mDayWeekend = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid silver; font-size: 8pt; color: #666666; background-color: #f7f7f7;"; 
var $mDayHoliday = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid silver; font-size: 8pt; color: #666666; background-color: #f7f7f7;"; 
var $mDayHeader = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white; font-size: 8pt; color: #333333;"; 
var $mDayHeaderWeekend = "padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white; font-size: 8pt; color: #999999;"; 

var $controlName = ""; 
var $highlight = "time"; // Determines what type of active days to highlight ("time" or "expenses"). 
// var $mAllDays  = true; 
var $cClassName = "Calendar"; 

function __construct($name) { 
    $this->controlName = $name; 
    $this->mMonthNames = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); 
    $this->mWeekDayShortNames = array('Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'); 

function setHighlight($highlight) { 
    if ($highlight && $highlight != 'time') 
     $this->highlight = $highlight; 

function setLocalization($i18n) { 
    global $user; 

    $this->mMonthNames = $i18n->monthNames; 
    $this->mWeekDayShortNames = $i18n->weekdayShortNames; 
    if (is_array($i18n->holidays)) { 
    foreach ($i18n->holidays as $fday) { 
     $date_a = explode("/",$fday); // format mm/dd 
     $this->holidays[] = mktime(0,0,0, $date_a[0], $date_a[1], date("Y"));// + 7200; 
    $this->weekStartDay = $user->week_start; 

function setStyle($style) { $this->mStyle = $style; } 
function setCellStyle($style) { $this->mCellStyle = $style; } 
function setACellStyle($style) { $this->mACellStyle = $style; } 
function setLinkStyle($style) { $this->mLinkStyle = $style; } 

function setShowHolidays($value) { 
    $this->showHolidays = $value; 

* @return void 
* @param date 
* @desc Enter description here... 
function toString($date="") { 
    global $i18n; 

    $indate = $this->mValue; 
    if (!$indate) $indate = strftime(DB_DATEFORMAT); 

    if (!$this->isRenderable()) return ""; 

    //current year and month 
    if (strlen ($indate) > 0) { 
    $indateObj = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $indate); 
    $thismonth = $indateObj->getMonth(); 
    $thisyear = $indateObj->getYear(); 
    } else { 
    $thismonth = date("m"); 
    $thisyear = date("Y"); 

    // next date, month, year 
    $next = mktime (2, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear); 
    $nextyear = date ("Y", $next); 
    $nextmonth = date ("m", $next); 
    $nextdate = strftime (DB_DATEFORMAT, $next); 

    // prev date, month, year 
    $prev = mktime (2, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear); 
    $prevyear = date ("Y", $prev); 
    $prevmonth = date ("m", $prev); 
    $prevdate = strftime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $prev); 

    $str = $this->_genStyles(); 

    $str .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> 
     <tr><td align="center"><div class="CalendarHeader">'. 
     //'<a href="?date='.$prevyear.'">&lt;&lt;</a> '. 
     '<a href="?date='.$prevdate.'" tabindex="-1">&lt;&lt;&lt;</a> '. 
     ' <a href="?date='.$nextdate.'" tabindex="-1">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>'. 
     //' <a href="?date='.$nextyear.'">&gt;&gt;</a>'. 

    $str .= '<center> 
     <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> 

    $str .= "<tr>"; 

    $weekend_start = 6 - $this->weekStartDay;  // Saturday by default. 
    $weekend_end = (7 - $this->weekStartDay) % 7; // Sunday by default. 
    if (defined('WEEKEND_START_DAY')) { 
    $weekend_start = (7 + WEEKEND_START_DAY - $this->weekStartDay) % 7; 
    $weekend_end = (7 + WEEKEND_START_DAY + 1 - $this->weekStartDay) % 7; 

    for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { 
    $weekdayNameIdx = ($i + $this->weekStartDay) % 7; 
    if ($i==$weekend_start || $i==$weekend_end) { 
     $str .= '<td class="CalendarDayHeaderWeekend">'.$this->mWeekDayShortNames[$weekdayNameIdx].'</td>'; 
    } else { 
     $str .= '<td class="CalendarDayHeader">'.$this->mWeekDayShortNames[$weekdayNameIdx].'</td>'; 

    $str .= "</tr>\n"; 

    list($wkstart,$monthstart,$monthend,$start_date) = $this->_getWeekDayBefore($thisyear, $thismonth); 

    $active_dates = $this->_getActiveDates($monthstart, $monthend); 

    for ($i = $wkstart; $i<=$monthend; $i=mktime(0,0,0,$thismonth,$start_date+=7,$thisyear)) { 
    $str .= "<TR>\n"; 
     for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) { 
     $date = mktime(0,0,0,$thismonth,$start_date+$j,$thisyear); 
     if (($date >= $monthstart) && ($date <= $monthend)) { 

     $stl_cell = ""; 
     $stl_link = ""; 

     // weekend 
     if ($j==$weekend_start || $j==$weekend_end) { 
      $stl_cell = ' class="CalendarDayWeekend"'; 
      $stl_link = ' class="CalendarLinkWeekend"'; 
     } else { 
      $stl_cell = ' class="CalendarDay"'; 

      // holidays 
      if ($this->showHolidays) { 
      foreach ($this->holidays as $day) { 
      if($day == $date) { 
       $stl_cell = ' class="CalendarDayHoliday"'; 
       $stl_link = ' class="CalendarLinkHoliday"'; 

     // selected day 
     if ($indate == strftime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $date)) 
      $stl_cell = ' class="CalendarDaySelected"'; 

     $str .= '<td'.$stl_cell.'>'; 

     // Entries exist. 
     if($active_dates) { 
      if(in_array(strftime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $date), $active_dates)) 
      $stl_link = ' class="CalendarLinkRecordsExist"'; 

     $str .= "<a".$stl_link." href=\"?".$this->controlName."=".strftime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $date)."\" tabindex=\"-1\">".date("d",$date)."</a>"; 

     $str .= "</TD>"; 
     else { 
     $str .= "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>\n"; 
    $str .= "</TR>\n"; 

    $str .= "<tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\"><a id=\"today_link\" href=\"?".$this->controlName."=".strftime(DB_DATEFORMAT)."\" tabindex=\"-1\">".$i18n->getKey('label.today')."</a></td></tr>\n"; 
    $str .= "</table>\n"; 

    $str .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$this->controlName\" value=\"$indate\">\n"; 

    // Add script to adjust today link to match browser today, as PHP may run in a different timezone. 
    $str .= "<script>\n"; 
    $str .= "function adjustToday() {\n"; 
    $str .= " var browser_today = new Date();\n"; 
    $str .= " document.getElementById('today_link').href = '?$this->controlName='+browser_today.strftime('".DB_DATEFORMAT."');\n"; 
    $str .= "}\n"; 
    $str .= "adjustToday();\n"; 
    $str .= "</script>\n"; 

    return $str; 

function toStringControl() { 
    return $this->toString(); 

function _getWeekDayBefore($year, $month) { 
    $weekday = date ("w", mktime (2, 0, 0, $month, 1 - $this->weekStartDay, $year)); 
    return array(
    mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, 1 - $weekday, $year), 
    mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year), 
    mktime (0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 0, $year), 
    (1 - $weekday) 

function _genStyles() { 
    $str = "<style>\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarHeader {". $this->mHeader ."}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarDay {". $this->mDayCell ."}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarDaySelected {". $this->mDaySelected ."}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarDayWeekend {". $this->mDayWeekend ."}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarDayHoliday {". $this->mDayHoliday ."}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarDayHeader {". $this->mDayHeader ."}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarDayHeaderWeekend {". $this->mDayHeaderWeekend ."}\n"; 

    $str .= ".CalendarLinkWeekend {color: #999999;}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarLinkHoliday {color: #999999;}\n"; 
    $str .= ".CalendarLinkRecordsExist {color: #FF0000;}\n"; 
    $str .= "</style>\n"; 
    return $str; 

// _getActiveDates returns an array of dates, for which entries exist for user. 
// Type of entries (time or expenses) is determined by $this->highlight value. 
function _getActiveDates($start, $end) { 

    global $user; 
    $user_id = $user->getActiveUser(); 

    $table = ($this->highlight == 'expenses') ? 'tt_expense_items' : 'tt_log'; 

    $mdb2 = getConnection(); 

    $start_date = date("Y-m-d", $start); 
    $end_date = date("Y-m-d", $end); 
    $sql = "SELECT date FROM $table WHERE date >= '$start_date' AND date <= '$end_date' AND user_id = $user_id AND status = 1"; 
    $res = $mdb2->query($sql); 
    if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { 
    while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { 
     $out[] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($row['date'])); 
    return @$out; 
    return false; 







<label for="from">From</label> <input type="text" id="from" name="from"/> <label for="to">to</label> <input type="text" id="to" name="to"/> 

    var dateToday = new Date(); 
    var dates = $("#from, #to").datepicker({ 
defaultDate: "+1w", 
changeMonth: true, 
numberOfMonths: 3, 
minDate: dateToday, 
onSelect: function(selectedDate) { 
    var option = this.id == "from" ? "minDate" : "maxDate", 
     instance = $(this).data("datepicker"), 
     date = $.datepicker.parseDate(instance.settings.dateFormat || $.datepicker._defaults.dateFormat, selectedDate, instance.settings); 
    dates.not(this).datepicker("option", option, date); 