我在做什麼是從一個繞大小700MB,但是當我執行命令解壓它和其他什麼也沒有發生在服務器 獲取數據。
$files = array('20111101.tbz', '20111101.tbz.md5' ,'20111102.tbz' ,'20111102.tbz.md5') ;
//folder names of the folders formed
$folder1 = "20111101";
$folder3 = "20111102";
//command to extract all the downloaded .tbz files
$command1 = "cd /var/www/html/mywork1/mywork2/mywork3/";
exec($command1." 2>&1", $output);
$command2 = "tar -xjf ".$files[0];
exec($command2." 2>&1", $output);
$command4 = "tar -xjf ".$files[2];
exec($command4." 2>&1", $output);
//command to populate the data into the database
$command6 = "cd /var/www/html/mywork1/mywork2/mywork3/mywork4";
exec($command6." 2>&1", $output);
$command7 = "./runit.py /var/www/html/mywork1/mywork2/mywork3/$folder1";
exec($command7." 2>&1", $output);
$command9 = "./runit.py /var/www/html/mywork1/mywork2/mywork3/$folder3";
exec($command9." 2>&1", $output);
//command to remove the folders created after population of data
$command10 = "rm -rf $folder1";
exec($command10." 2>&1", $output);
$command11 = "rm -rf $folder3";
exec($command11." 2>&1", $output);
foreach ($files as $file)
//command to remove all .tbz files downloaded.
$command12 = "rm -rf $file";
exec($command12." 2>&1", $output);
爲什麼這個標籤爲「Python」? – Johnsyweb
你的問題是,你不知道發生了什麼。所以請啓用'display_errors',將'error_reporting'設置爲'-1'。在'exec'('echo $ output;')之後顯示命令的輸出。您的Web服務器用戶是否具有對這些目錄的寫入權限? – vstm
不回答你的問題,但你有沒有嘗試把所有這些命令放在Bash腳本中,並從PHP腳本中運行它? –