2016-09-16 72 views

我有以下給定的星級評分腳本。它工作正常,但是當我想在處理文件中使用$ _GET變量時,它並沒有採用它。Php mysql用戶評分和評論系統

另外我想使用這個腳本的意見,但我不能在tuto-star-rating.php使用$ _POST或$ _GET。



tuto-star-rating.php我想用$ _GET保存餐廳ID,但無法做到這一點。我嘗試如下,但它不接受它僅接受將直接作爲你可以在下面的文件代碼中看到的數字:

$getRest = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']); 
$query = $bdd->execute('INSERT INTO rest_rating (sr_id, media, rate, ip, user) 
VALUES ('.$getRest.', '.$mediaId.', "'.$rate.'", "'.$ipaddress.'", "'.$user.'")'); // We insert the new rate 



    $bdd = new db(); 
    .no_star { display: inline-block; background: url("comment/star.png") no-repeat; width: 16px; height: 16px } 
    .star { display: inline-block; background: url("comment/star.png") no-repeat; background-position: 0 -16px; width: 16px; height: 16px } 
    .star_hover { display: inline-block; background: url("comment/star.png") no-repeat; background-position: 0 -32px; width: 16px; height: 16px } 
    .star_selected { display: inline-block; background: url("comment/star.png") no-repeat; background-position: 0 -48px; width: 16px; height: 16px } 
function starBar($numStar, $mediaId, $starWidth) { // function with arguments: number of stars, media ID, width of the star image 
    global $bdd; 

    $getRest = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']); 

    $cookie_name = 'tcRatingSystem'.$mediaId; // Set up the cookie name 

    // We get the rate average and number of rate from the database 
    $query = $bdd->getOne('SELECT round(avg(rate), 2) AS average, count(rate) AS nbrRate, sr_id AS sr_id FROM rest_rating WHERE media='.$mediaId.' and sr_id = "'.$getRest.'"'); 
    $avgCeil = round($query['average'], 0); // round above or below to show how many selected stars we display 

    $getJSON = array('numStar' => $numStar, 'mediaId' => $mediaId); // We create a JSON with the number of stars and the media ID 
    $getJSON = json_encode($getJSON); 

    // We create the DIV block with selected stars and unselected stars depending of the rate 
    $starBar = '<div id="'.$mediaId.'">'; 
    $starBar .= '<div class="'; 
    if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) $starBar .= 'star_bar'; 
    $starBar .= '" rel='.$getJSON.' style="width:'.($numStar*$starWidth).'px">'; 

    for ($i=1; $i<=$numStar; $i++) { 
$starBar .= '<div class="'; 
if ($i <= $avgCeil) $starBar .= 'star_selected'; else $starBar .= 'star'; 
$starBar .= '"></div>'; 
    $starBar .= '</div>'; 
    $starBar .= '<div class="resultMedia'.$mediaId.'" style="font-size: small; color: grey">'; // We show the rate score and number of rates 
    if ($query['nbrRate'] == 0) $starBar .= 'Not rated yet'; 
    else $starBar .= 'Rating: ' . $query['average'] . '/' . $numStar . ' (' . $query['nbrRate'] . ' votes)'; 
    $starBar .= '</div>'; 
    $starBar .= '<div class="box'.$mediaId.'"></div>'; // Return the text "Thank you for rating" when someone rate 
    $starBar .= '</div>'; 

    return $starBar; 

echo starBar(5, 59, 16); // We create star bar 

政黨成員 - 開始 - rating.php

$bdd = new db(); 
    //$getRest = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']); 
    $ipaddress = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
    $user  = session_id(); 

if($_POST) {      

    $mediaId = $_POST['mediaId']; // Media ID 
    $rate = $_POST['rate']; // Your rate 

    $expire = 24*3600; // 1 day 
    setcookie('tcRatingSystem'.$mediaId, 'voted', time() + $expire, '/'); // Place a cookie 

    $query = $bdd->execute('INSERT INTO rest_rating (sr_id, media, rate, ip, user) 
     VALUES (1, '.$mediaId.', "'.$rate.'", "'.$ipaddress.'", "'.$user.'") 
     '); // We insert the new rate 

    // We calculate the new average and new number of rate 
    $result = $bdd->getOne('SELECT round(avg(rate), 2) AS average, count(rate) AS nbrRate FROM rest_rating WHERE media='.$mediaId.''); 

    $avgCeil = round($result['average'], 0); // Round the average 

    // Send JSON back with the new average, the number of rate and rounded average 
    $dataBack = array('avg' => $result['average'], 'nbrRate' => $result['nbrRate'], 'avgCeil' => $avgCeil); 
    $dataBack = json_encode($dataBack); 

    echo $dataBack; 


function rateMedia(mediaId, rate, numStar) { 
     $('.box' + mediaId).html('<img src="comment/loader-small.gif" alt="" />'); // Display a processing icon 
     var data = {mediaId: mediaId, rate: rate}; // Create JSON which will be send via Ajax 

     $.ajax({ // JQuery Ajax 
      type: 'POST', 
      url: 'comment/tuto-star-rating.php', // URL to the PHP file which will insert new value in the database 
      data: data, // We send the data string 
      dataType: 'json', 
      timeout: 3000, 
      success: function(data) { 
       $('.box' + mediaId).html('<div style="font-size: small; color: green">Thank you for rating</div>'); // Return "Thank you for rating" 
       // We update the rating score and number of rates 
       $('.resultMedia' + mediaId).html('<div style="font-size: small; color: grey">Rating: ' + data.avg + '/' + numStar + ' (' + data.nbrRate + ' votes)</div>'); 

       // We recalculate the star bar with new selected stars and unselected stars 
       var ratingBar = ''; 
       for (var i = 1; i <= numStar; i++) { 
        ratingBar += '<div class="'; 
        if (i <= data.avgCeil) ratingBar += 'star_selected'; else ratingBar += 'star'; 
        ratingBar += '"></div>'; 

       $('#' + mediaId + ' .star_bar').html(ratingBar).off('mouseenter'); 
      error: function() { 

    $(function() { 
     $('.star_bar').on('mouseenter', function overBar(event) { // Mouse enter the star bar 
      var relData = $.parseJSON($(this).attr('rel')); // Get JSON values: number of stars and media ID 


      // We create a new star bar OVER the previous one with transparent stars 
      var newStarBar = ''; 
      for (var i = 1; i <= relData.numStar; i++) { 
       newStarBar += '<div class="no_star" id="' + i + '" title="' + i + '/' + relData.numStar + '" onclick="rateMedia(' + relData.mediaId + ', ' + i + ', ' + relData.numStar + '); return false;"></div>'; 
      $(this).css('position', 'relative').append('<div id="over' + relData.mediaId + '" style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0;">' + newStarBar + '</div>'); 

      // When we move the mouse over the new transparent star bar they become blue 
      $('#over' + relData.mediaId + ' > div').mouseover(function() { 
       var myRate = $(this).attr('id'); 
       for (var i = 1; i <= relData.numStar; i++) { 
        if (i <= myRate) $('#over' + relData.mediaId + ' #' + i).attr('class', 'star_hover'); 
        else $('#over' + relData.mediaId + ' #' + i).attr('class', 'no_star'); 

     // Mouse leaves the star bar, we remove the rating bar 
     $('.star_bar').on('mouseleave', function overBar(event) { 
      var relData = $.parseJSON($(this).attr('rel')); 
      $('#over' + relData.mediaId).remove(); 

$bdd = new db(); 
    //$getRest = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']); 
    $ipaddress = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
    $user  = session_id(); 

if($_POST) {      

    $mediaId = $_POST['mediaId']; // Media ID 
    $rate = $_POST['rate']; // Your rate 

    $expire = 24*3600; // 1 day 
    setcookie('tcRatingSystem'.$mediaId, 'voted', time() + $expire, '/'); // Place a cookie 

    $query = $bdd->execute('INSERT INTO rest_rating (sr_id, media, rate, ip, user) 
     VALUES (1, '.$mediaId.', "'.$rate.'", "'.$ipaddress.'", "'.$user.'") 
     '); // We insert the new rate 

    // We calculate the new average and new number of rate 
    $result = $bdd->getOne('SELECT round(avg(rate), 2) AS average, count(rate) AS nbrRate FROM rest_rating WHERE media='.$mediaId.''); 

    $avgCeil = round($result['average'], 0); // Round the average 

    // Send JSON back with the new average, the number of rate and rounded average 
    $dataBack = array('avg' => $result['average'], 'nbrRate' => $result['nbrRate'], 'avgCeil' => $avgCeil); 
    $dataBack = json_encode($dataBack); 

    echo $dataBack; 


class db { 
    private $conn; 
    private $host; 
    private $user; 
    private $password; 
    private $baseName; 
    private $port; 
    private $Debug; 

    function __construct($params=array()) { 
     $this->conn = false; 
     $this->host = 'localhost'; //hostname 
     $this->user = 'root'; //username 
     $this->password = ''; //password 
     $this->baseName = 'lepetit'; //name of your database 
     $this->port = '3306'; 
     $this->debug = true; 

    function __destruct() { 

    function connect() { 
     if (!$this->conn) { 
      $this->conn = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password); 
      mysql_select_db($this->baseName, $this->conn); 

      if (!$this->conn) { 
       $this->status_fatal = true; 
       echo 'Connection BDD failed'; 
      else { 
       $this->status_fatal = false; 

     return $this->conn; 

    function disconnect() { 
     if ($this->conn) { 

    function getOne($query) { // getOne function: when you need to select only 1 line in the database 
     $cnx = $this->conn; 
     if (!$cnx || $this->status_fatal) { 
      echo 'GetOne -> Connection BDD failed'; 

     $cur = @mysql_query($query, $cnx); 

     if ($cur == FALSE) {   
      $errorMessage = @pg_last_error($cnx); 
      $this->handleError($query, $errorMessage); 
     else { 
      $tmp = mysql_fetch_array($cur, MYSQL_ASSOC); 

      $return = $tmp; 

     return $return; 

    function getAll($query) { // getAll function: when you need to select more than 1 line in the database 
     $cnx = $this->conn; 
     if (!$cnx || $this->status_fatal) { 
      echo 'GetAll -> Connection BDD failed'; 

     mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); 
     $cur = mysql_query($query); 
     $return = array(); 

     while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($cur)) { 
      array_push($return, $data); 

     return $return; 

    function execute($query,$use_slave=false) { // execute function: to use INSERT or UPDATE 
     $cnx = $this->conn; 
     if (!$cnx||$this->status_fatal) { 
      return null; 

     $cur = @mysql_query($query, $cnx); 

     if ($cur == FALSE) { 
      $ErrorMessage = @mysql_last_error($cnx); 
      $this->handleError($query, $ErrorMessage); 
     else { 
      $this->NumRows = mysql_affected_rows(); 

    function handleError($query, $str_erreur) { 
     $this->Error = TRUE; 
     $this->BadQuery = $query; 
     if ($this->Debug) { 
      echo "Query : ".$query."<br>"; 
      echo "Error : ".$str_erreur."<br>"; 

你是如何得到$ _GET [「SID」]在「政黨成員 - 開始 - rating.php」作爲Ajax是POST類型也是「SID」是不是在數據從阿賈克斯 – Farhan


@Farhan以及在'index.php'我可以得到,因爲$ _GET是直接在這裏。但在'tuto-start-rating.php'我無法得到可能在這裏我會通過JS,但我無法在JS中配置。 –


從你打算在* index.php *頁面獲得* sid *值的地方? –



your comment

我可以在index.php中獲得sid,但是我無法在tuto-start-rating.php中獲得sid。該政黨成員 - 開始 - rating.php通過JS稱爲

既然你包括JavaScript作爲外部文件,你不能用/你政黨成員星級rating.js訪問諸如$_GET['sid'] PHP變量文件。您需要更改index.phptuto-star-rating。JS文件按以下方式,



<script>var sid = "<?php echo $_GET['sid']; ?>";</script> 
// include your tuto-star-rating.js file 



function rateMedia(mediaId, rate, numStar) { 

    // your code 

     type: 'POST', 
     url: 'comment/tuto-star-rating.php?sid=' + sid, 

     // your code 

通過這種方式,您可以使用$_GET 超全局中政黨成員星級rating.php頁面訪問SID,像這樣:

$getRest = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']); 

旁註:不要使用mysql_*功能,它們被棄用的PHP 5.5,並在PHP 7.0中完全刪除。改爲使用mysqlipdoAnd this is why you shouldn't use mysql_* functions


我甚至不能通過這種方式我嘗試,但失敗 –


@FahadAlmehaini你在* index.php *頁面獲得這個* sid *值的方式是什麼?另外,解釋你在代碼中改變了什麼,以及它是如何爲你服務的。 –


那麼請檢查index.php在我的問題,那裏我如何得到。在index.php文件的URL是'的index.php SID = 1'或watever ........併爲u說,我在我的JS文件相同的方式改變爲u說'網址:「評論/政黨成員星級-rating.php?sid ='+ <?php echo $ _GET ['sid']; ?>,' –


爲了解決$ _GET [ 'SID']首先確保SID正在通過URL (例如:HTTP://youdomainname.com/ SID = 1)。 然後,通過SID作爲參數傳遞給starBar功能,你可以看到波紋管:

function starBar($numStar, $mediaId, $starWidth, $sid) { 
    // your code here 


echo starBar(5, 59, 16, $_GET['sid']); 

它沒有運作 –