我正在使用基本上使用angular 2構建的Ionic2應用程序。我遇到以下可觀察事件的問題,它返回所有靠近的用戶..有時,當我離開查看,然後返回它使用戶通過重複數據或其他時間雙打它只顯示1結果,並沒有更新視圖時,另一個用戶登錄,我似乎無法弄清楚是什麼問題,但它的應用程序的重要部分,所以我真的需要它堅實。Angular 2可觀察問題重複,而不是更新結果
export class LocationTracker {
public nearme = <[IuserGeoLocation]>[];
public firebaseRef: any;
public geoFire: any;
public space: Subject<any> = new BehaviorSubject(0);
constructor(public zone: NgZone, public fire:Fb, public user:User) {
this.fb = fire.instance().database();
this.firebaseRef = this.fb.ref('geofire');
this.geoFire = new GeoFire(this.firebaseRef);
UsersNearME() : Observable<any> {
this.nearme.length = 0;
let geoQuery = this.geoFire.query({
center: [this.lat, this.lng],
radius: 4.609 //kilometers
geoQuery.on("key_entered", (key, location, distance) => {
const sender = this.fb.ref('/users/'+ key );
sender.on('value', (snapshot) => {
const profile = snapshot.val().profile;
userid: key,
userloc: location,
userdistance: distance.toFixed(2),
email: profile.email,
name: profile.displayName || 'Anonymous',
image: profile.photoURL || ''
// console.log("User near you " + key + " found at " + location + " (" + distance + " km away)");
return this.space.asObservable();
public usersNearMe;
constructor(public locationTracker: LocationTracker) {
this.zone.run(() => {
this.usersNearMe = this.locationTracker.UsersNearME();
<ion-content padding>
<!-- <ion-col class="member-item" (click)="viewUser(member.profile.uid)" width-33 *ngFor="let member of members | async; let i = index" [ngClass]="{ hideme : activeUser === member?.profile.uid }"> -->
<ion-row class="member-group" >
<ion-col class="member-item" tappable width-33 *ngFor="let m of usersNearMe | async; let i = index">
{{ m?.userid }}
使用訂閱不會允許我使用異步的ngfor雖然 – Kravitz
@REPTILE看到這種方法如何票價不異步管道。 – chrispy
是的,但它是實時的:)我有點想讓它實時更新,因爲人們進入你的位置,但我想我必須犧牲它。 – Kravitz