2011-05-10 74 views

我想根據用戶從多個select元素中選擇的內容,使用jQuery hide/show過濾表格。使用jQuery從多個select元素中過濾表格





<table id="reportsTable"> 
    <th>Report Number</th> 
     <td>First Recruit</td> 
     <td>First Trainer</td> 
     <td>First Recruit</td> 
     <td>Second Trainer</td> 
     <td>In Progress</td> 
     <td>Second Recruit</td> 
     <td>First Trainer</td> 


<select multiple="multiple" name="trainerFilter"> 
    <option value="firsttrainer">First Trainer</option> 
    <option value="secondtrainer">Second Trainer</option> 
<select multiple="multiple" name="recruitFilter"> 
    <option value="firstrecruit">First Recruit</option> 
    <option value="secondrecruit">Second Recruit</option> 
<select multiple="multiple" name="statusFilter"> 
    <option value="created">Created</option> 
    <option value="inprogress">In Progress</option> 
    <option value="complete">Complete</option> 

看起來我不能回答張貼到我的問題8小時,但是這是我想出了感謝@Spencer Ruport 。由於必須考慮所有可能的條目,最終結果比我預期的要複雜得多。用戶可以從第一個選擇元素中選擇一些,第二個中沒有任何東西,第二個中可能有兩個。或者,也許用戶不會從第一個和第2箇中選擇任何內容。對於任何給定的輸入,可能有6個以上的濾波器比需要應用。


function filterReports() { 
     $('.report').hide(); //Set all rows to hidden. 
     trainerVals = $('#trainerFilter').val(); 
     recruitVals = $('#recruitFilter').val(); 
     statusVals = $('#statusFilter').val(); 
     if (trainerVals) { //Check if any trainers are selected. 
      $.each(trainerVals, function(index, trainer) { 
       filtered = false; 
       classString = ''; 
       classString += '.' + trainer; 
       if (recruitVals) { //Check if trainers and recruits are selected. 
        $.each(recruitVals, function(index, recruit) { 
         filtered = false; 
         secondString = ''; 
         secondString = classString + '.' + recruit; //Concat to a new string so we keep the old one intact. 
         if (statusVals) { //Check if trainers, recruits and statuses are selected. 
          $.each(statusVals, function(index, status) { 
           filtered = false; 
           finalString = ''; 
           finalString += secondString + '.' + status; //Again concat to a new string. 
           filtered = true; //By setting filtered to true, we only run the show once. 
         if (!filtered) { //If trainers and recruits are selected, but not a status, we need to apply that filter. 
          filtered = true; 
       if (!filtered && statusVals) { //If only trainers and statuses are selected, go through those. 
        $.each(statusVals, function(index, status) { 
         filtered = false; 
         finalString = ''; 
         finalString += classString + '.' + status; 
         filtered = true; 
       if (!filtered) { //If only trainers are selected, apply that filter. 
        filtered = true; 
     if (!filtered && recruitVals) { //If trainers are not selected, by recruits are, run through the recruits. 
      $.each(recruitVals, function(index, recruit) { 
       classString = ''; 
       classString += '.' + recruit; 
       if (statusVals) { //Check if recruits and statuses are selected 
        $.each(statusVals, function(index, status) { 
         finalString = ''; 
         finalString += classString + '.' + status; 
         filtered = true; 
       if (!filtered) { //If only recruits are selected, apply that filter. 
        filtered = true; 
     if (!filtered && statusVals) { //If both trainers and recruits are not selected, but statuses are, run through those. 
      $.each(statusVals, function(index, status) { 
       classString = ''; 
       classString += '.' + status; 
       filtered = true; 
     if (!filtered) { 
      //No filters selected. 
     $("tr").removeClass("even"); //Remove current zebra striping. 
     $("tr:visible:even").addClass("even"); //Add zebra striping only for rows that are visible. 




    <th>Report Number</th> 
    <tr class="obj_first_recruit obj_first_trainer obj_complete obj_row_item"> 
     <td>First Recruit</td> 
     <td>First Trainer</td> 
    <tr class="obj_first_recruit obj_second_trainer obj_in_progress obj_row_item"> 
     <td>First Recruit</td> 
     <td>Second Trainer</td> 
     <td>In Progress</td> 
    <tr class="obj_second_recruit obj_first_trainer obj_created obj_row_item"> 
     <td>Second Recruit</td> 
     <td>First Trainer</td> 



爲了簡單起見,你可以使下拉菜單的值對應於標記名稱讓你的聲明看起來是LIK e:

$("." + $("#dropdown1").val() + "." + $("#dropdown2").val() + "." + $("#dropdown3").val()).show(); 

我甚至沒有想到這一點的例子。有時最簡單的答案是最好的。我必須考慮每個select元素中的多個選項。有沒有簡單的方法來做到這一點,而不使用3 $ .each語句? – 2011-05-10 23:28:05


啊,我沒有注意到你正在使用選擇。由於所有項目都是隱藏起來的,我只需創建一個三級循環來循環選擇並連接每個組合併爲每個組合調用show,如果這樣做合理的話。只需爲包含所選項目的當前迭代的每個級別創建一個變量,然後更改我上面所寫的連接線,以使用變量而不是val。 – 2011-05-11 00:07:30


感謝您的幫助!由於可能的用戶輸入,循環最終變得更加複雜。他們可以從第一個輸入中選擇一對,而第二個也可以選擇一對,也可以從第三個輸入中選擇一些。我編輯了我提出的問題。我懷疑它甚至接近最有效的方式,但它是有效的。謝謝! – 2011-05-11 01:42:25