2014-01-09 34 views

我在paypal沙盒帳戶上工作得很好。但現在我在Live paypal上移動,因此我的PayPal按鈕被禁用,日誌中顯示的錯誤是「您沒有有效的PayPal發佈的應用程序ID」。我如何獲得有效的PayPal頒發的應用程序ID? PayPal中的第二件東西是"recipient""customID"?哪些更改會啓用我的按鈕。謝謝Titanium PayPal ios中的實時集成問題


var continueButton = Paypal.createPaypalButton({ 
    // NOTE: height/width only determine the size of the view that the button is embedded in - the actual button size 
    // is determined by the buttonStyle property! 
    width: 194 + u, height: 37 + u, 
    //buttonStyle: Paypal.BUTTON_194x37, // The style & size of the button 
    left : 84, 

    language: 'en_US', 
    //textStyle: PAYPAL_TEXT_PAY, // Causes the button's text to change from "Pay" to "Donate" 

    appID: 'APP-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // The appID issued by Paypal for your application; for testing, feel free to delete this property entirely. 
    paypalEnvironment: Paypal.PAYPAL_ENV_LIVE, // Sandbox, None or Live .. For Device Paypal.PAYPAL_ENV_NONE 


    feePaidByReceiver: false, 
    enableShipping: false, // Whether or not to select/send shipping information 

    payment: { // The payment itself 
     //paymentType: Paypal.PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE, // The type of payment 
     subtotal: 25, // The total cost of the order, excluding tax and shipping 
     tax: 0, 
     shipping: 0, 
     currency: 'USD', 
     recipient: 'recipient email address', 
     customID: 'anythingYouWant', 
     invoiceItems: [ 
      { name: 'My App', totalPrice: amnt1, itemPrice: amnt1, itemCount: 1 }, 


     merchantName: 'My App', 
     memo: 'For My App' 



使用貝寶,當你寄錢使用其電子郵件作爲一個ID帳戶。所以「收件人」是收件人的電子郵件。 「customID」是您選擇與交易關聯的ID。對於appID使用這篇文章。 Aand祝你好運! PayPal Reference