2017-06-15 16 views

POI-Framwork支持獲取XSSFSimpleShape對象的背景顏色嗎?我環視這個班,但我找不到獲得其背景的方法? 這是我的代碼:如何獲取XSSFSimpleShape對象的背景顏色?

XSSFSimpleShape simpleObj = ... 
simpleObj.getCTShape().getSpPr()... get some things named color here 
simpleObj.getCTShape().getStyle().getFillRef()... get some things named colors here 






<a:schemeClr val="accent4"> 
    <a:lumMod val="60000"/> 
    <a:lumOff val="40000"/> 

問題的,這是那些發光changings在HSL製成。 Java s java.awt.Color僅支持HSB(aka HSV),但不支持HSL。所以我們需要額外的代碼來支持HSL。在我的例子中,我使用了Rob Camick的代碼。


import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*; 
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSimpleShape; 
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; 
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor; 
import org.apache.poi.xssf.model.ThemesTable; 

import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.FileInputStream; 

import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.spreadsheetDrawing.CTShape; 
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTShapeProperties; 
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTSolidColorFillProperties; 
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.STSchemeColorVal; 

import java.awt.Color; 

class ReadExcelShapeFillColors { 

//two methods for dealing with the HSL color model 
//helper method HueToRGB, see below 
private static float HueToRGB(float p, float q, float h) { 
    if (h < 0) h += 1; 
    if (h > 1) h -= 1; 
    if (6 * h < 1) { 
    return p + ((q - p) * 6 * h); 
    if (2 * h < 1) { 
    return q; 
    if (3 * h < 2) { 
    return p + ((q - p) * 6 * ((2.0f/3.0f) - h)); 
    return p; 

//get a new Color changed by given luminescence from lumMod and lumOff 
private static Color getColorLumModandOff(Color color, int lumMod, int lumOff) { 
    float[] rgb = color.getRGBColorComponents(null); 
    float r = rgb[0]; 
    float g = rgb[1]; 
    float b = rgb[2]; 
    float min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b)); 
    float max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b)); 

    float h = 0; 
    if (max == min) h = 0; 
    else if (max == r) h = ((60 * (g - b)/(max - min)) + 360) % 360; 
    else if (max == g) h = (60 * (b - r)/(max - min)) + 120; 
    else if (max == b) h = (60 * (r - g)/(max - min)) + 240; 

    float l = (max + min)/2; 
    l = l * (float)lumMod/100000f + (float)lumOff/100000f; 

    float s = 0; 
    if (max == min) s = 0; 
    else if (l <= .5f) s = (max - min)/(max + min); 
    else s = (max - min)/(2 - max - min); 

    h = h % 360.0f; 
    h /= 360f; 

    float q = 0; 
    if (l < 0.5) q = l * (1 + s); 
    else q = (l + s) - (s * l); 
    float p = 2 * l - q; 
    r = Math.max(0, HueToRGB(p, q, h + (1.0f/3.0f))); 
    g = Math.max(0, HueToRGB(p, q, h)); 
    b = Math.max(0, HueToRGB(p, q, h - (1.0f/3.0f))); 

    r = Math.min(r, 1.0f); 
    g = Math.min(g, 1.0f); 
    b = Math.min(b, 1.0f); 

    return new Color(r, g, b, 1.0f); 

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 

    InputStream inp = new FileInputStream("ExcelWithSimpleShape.xlsx"); 

    Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inp); 

    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); 

    Drawing<? extends Shape> drawing = sheet.getDrawingPatriarch(); 

    for (Shape shape : drawing) { 

    System.out.println(shape.getShapeName() + "_________________"); 

    if (shape instanceof XSSFSimpleShape) { //we have a XSSFSimpleShape 

    XSSFWorkbook xssfworkbook = (XSSFWorkbook)workbook; 
    ThemesTable themesTable = xssfworkbook.getTheme(); 

    XSSFSimpleShape xssfSimpleShape = (XSSFSimpleShape)shape; 

    CTShape ctShape = xssfSimpleShape.getCTShape(); 
    CTShapeProperties ctShapeProperties = ctShape.getSpPr(); 

    byte[] bRGB; 

    if (ctShapeProperties.isSetSolidFill()) { //we have a solid fill defined 
    CTSolidColorFillProperties ctSolidColorFillProperties = ctShapeProperties.getSolidFill(); 

    if (ctSolidColorFillProperties.isSetSrgbClr()) { //we have a explicit given RGB color 
     bRGB = ctSolidColorFillProperties.getSrgbClr().getVal(); 
     System.out.println((bRGB[0]&0xFF)+", "+(bRGB[1]&0xFF)+", "+(bRGB[2]&0xFF)); 
     Color color = new Color(bRGB[0]&0xFF, bRGB[1]&0xFF, bRGB[2]&0xFF); 
     System.out.println("explicit given RGB color: " + color); 

    } else if (ctSolidColorFillProperties.isSetSchemeClr()) { //we have a scheme color defined in ThemesTable 
     int iThemeColorIdx = ctSolidColorFillProperties.getSchemeClr().getVal().intValue()-1; 
     System.out.println("theme color index: " + iThemeColorIdx); 

     //get luminescence definition 
     int lumMod = 100000; 
     int lumOff = 0; 
     if (ctSolidColorFillProperties.getSchemeClr().getLumModList().size() > 0) 
     lumMod = ctSolidColorFillProperties.getSchemeClr().getLumModList().get(0).getVal(); 
     if (ctSolidColorFillProperties.getSchemeClr().getLumOffList().size() > 0) 
     lumOff = ctSolidColorFillProperties.getSchemeClr().getLumOffList().get(0).getVal(); 
     System.out.println("lumMod: " + lumMod); 
     System.out.println("lumOff: " + lumOff); 

     XSSFColor xssfColor = themesTable.getThemeColor(iThemeColorIdx); 
     bRGB = xssfColor.getRGB(); //RGB color from ThemesTable 
     System.out.println((bRGB[0]&0xFF)+", "+(bRGB[1]&0xFF)+", "+(bRGB[2]&0xFF)); 
     Color color = new Color(bRGB[0]&0xFF, bRGB[1]&0xFF, bRGB[2]&0xFF); 

     color = getColorLumModandOff(color, lumMod, lumOff); //Color changed by given lumMod and lumOff 

     System.out.println("scheme color: " + color); 
    } else { //we have accent1 scheme color as fill color 
     XSSFColor xssfColor = themesTable.getThemeColor(STSchemeColorVal.INT_ACCENT_1-1); 
     bRGB = xssfColor.getRGB(); 
     System.out.println((bRGB[0]&0xFF)+", "+(bRGB[1]&0xFF)+", "+(bRGB[2]&0xFF)); 
     Color color = new Color(bRGB[0]&0xFF, bRGB[1]&0xFF, bRGB[2]&0xFF); 
     System.out.println("accent1 scheme color: " + color); 


這個代碼將得到所有形狀的填充顏色從XSSFWorkbook文件,只要它們是由實心填充給它們instanceof XSSFSimpleShape第一片並且是CTSRgbColorCTSchemeColor


謝謝Axel Richter! –