先決條件:Sheet 1中包含的原始數據(磁道#列A,數據在列B和C列評論/日期分裂),Sheet 2中將包含處理的數據。
代碼(點擊ALT + F11,單擊插入/模塊,代碼粘貼插入的模塊中):
Sub test()
Dim a As String, g As String, k As String, l As String
Dim b As Long, c As Long, d As Integer, e As Integer, f As Long, h As Integer, i As Integer, j As Long
b = 1
j = 1
While IsEmpty(Sheet1.Range("A" & b)) = False 'does not check if exceeding excel row limit
b = b + 1
For c = 1 To b 'Or "2 to b" if data has headers (if first row contains column names)
a = Sheet1.Range("B" & c) 'If column B contains the data to split
k = Sheet1.Range("A" & c) 'network #
l = Sheet1.Range("C" & c) 'date or comment
d = Len(a)
h = 0
For e = 1 To d
If Mid(a, e, 1) = "," Or e = d Then
If h = 0 Then
If e = d Then
i = e
i = e - 1
End If
g = Mid(a, 1, i)
While IsEmpty(Sheet2.Range("B" & j)) = False 'does not check if exceeding excel row limit
j = j + 1
Sheet2.Range("A" & j) = k
Sheet2.Range("B" & j) = g
Sheet2.Range("C" & j) = l
If e = d Then
g = Mid(a, i + 2, e - i - 1)
g = Mid(a, i + 2, e - i - 2)
End If
While IsEmpty(Sheet2.Range("B" & j)) = False 'does not check if exceeding excel row limit
j = j + 1
Sheet2.Range("A" & j) = k
Sheet2.Range("B" & j) = g
Sheet2.Range("C" & j) = l
i = e - 1
End If
h = 1
End If
Next e
Next c
Dim m As Long, o As Integer
m = 1 'Or 2 if top row contains headings
Dim n As String
While IsEmpty(Sheet2.Range("B" & m)) = False
Sheet2.Range("B" & m) = Trim(Sheet2.Range("B" & m)) 'trim
n = Sheet2.Range("B" & m)
For o = 1 To Len(n)
If Mid(n, o, 1) = " " Then n = Left(n, 1) & Right(n, Len(n) - 2) 'remove single space
Next o
Sheet2.Range("B" & m) = n
m = m + 1
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim srow As Integer
srow = MsgBox("Does the first row contain data headers (column names)?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "First row selection")
If srow = 6 Then
srow = srow - 4
srow = srow - 6
End If
Dim a As String, g As String, k(16383) As String, l(16383) As String
Dim b As Long, c As Long, d As Integer, e As Integer, f As Long, h As Integer, i As Integer, j As Long
b = srow
j = srow
While IsEmpty(Sheet1.Range("A" & b)) = False And b < 1048576
b = b + 1
b = b - 1
If srow > b Then MsgBox "No entries to analyze!", vbInformation, "Attention!": Exit Sub
Dim spli As String
spli = InputBox("Please, enter the Letter of the column, which contains the data to split", "Define split column")
If Len(spli) > 3 Or Len(spli) < 1 Then MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
Dim letc As Integer
For letc = 65 To 122
If letc <> 91 And letc <> 92 And letc <> 93 And letc <> 94 And letc <> 95 And letc <> 96 Then
If Left(spli, 1) = Chr(letc) Then Exit For
If letc = 122 And Left(spli, 1) <> Chr(letc) Then MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
End If
Next letc
If Len(spli) > 1 Then
For letc = 65 To 122
If letc <> 91 And letc <> 92 And letc <> 93 And letc <> 94 And letc <> 95 And letc <> 96 Then
If Mid(spli, 2, 1) = Chr(letc) Then Exit For
If letc = 122 And Mid(spli, 2, 1) <> Chr(letc) Then MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
End If
Next letc
End If
If Len(spli) = 3 Then
For letc = 65 To 122
If letc <> 91 And letc <> 92 And letc <> 93 And letc <> 94 And letc <> 95 And letc <> 96 Then
If Right(spli, 1) = Chr(letc) Then Exit For
If letc = 122 And Right(spli, 1) <> Chr(letc) Then MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
End If
Next letc
If Left(spli, 1) = "Y" Or Left(spli, 1) = "Z" Or Left(spli, 1) = "y" Or Left(spli, 1) = "z" Then
MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
End If
If Left(spli, 1) = "X" Or Left(spli, 1) = "x" Then
If Asc(Mid(spli, 2, 1)) < 65 Or (Asc(Mid(spli, 2, 1)) > 70 And Asc(Mid(spli, 2, 1)) < 97) Or Asc(Mid(spli, 2, 1)) > 102 Then
MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
End If
If Mid(spli, 2, 1) = "F" Or Mid(spli, 2, 1) = "f" Then
If Asc(Right(spli, 1)) < 65 Or (Asc(Right(spli, 1)) > 68 And Asc(Right(spli, 1)) < 97) Or Asc(Right(spli, 1)) > 100 Then
MsgBox "Please, enter a valid Letter of a column", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!": GoTo INPU
End If
End If
End If
End If
Dim coll As Long, colr As Long, coun As Long
coll = InputBox("How many columns to the left of the split data column would you like to copy?", "Left Columns")
If Sheet1.Range(spli & srow).Column - coll < 1 Then
MsgBox "Wrong number of columns indicated", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Error!"
End If
colr = InputBox("How many columns to the right of the split data column would you like to copy?", "Right Columns")
If Sheet1.Range(spli & srow).Column + colr > 16384 Then
MsgBox "Wrong number of columns indicated", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Error!"
End If
For c = srow To b
a = Sheet1.Range(spli & c)
For coun = 0 To coll - 1
k(coun) = Sheet1.Cells(c, Sheet1.Range(spli & c).Column - 1 - coun)
Next coun
For coun = 0 To colr - 1
l(coun) = Sheet1.Cells(c, Sheet1.Range(spli & c).Column + 1 + coun)
Next coun
d = Len(a)
h = 0
For e = 1 To d
If Mid(a, e, 1) = "," Or Mid(a, e, 1) = "/" Or e = d Then
If h = 0 Then
If e = d Then
i = e
i = e - 1
End If
g = Mid(a, 1, i)
While IsEmpty(Sheet2.Range(spli & j)) = False And j < 1048576
j = j + 1
For coun = 0 To coll - 1
Sheet2.Cells(j, Sheet1.Range(spli & c).Column - 1 - coun) = k(coun)
Next coun
Sheet2.Range(spli & j) = g
For coun = 0 To colr - 1
Sheet2.Cells(j, Sheet1.Range(spli & c).Column + 1 + coun) = l(coun)
Next coun
If e = d Then
g = Mid(a, i + 2, e - i - 1)
g = Mid(a, i + 2, e - i - 2)
End If
While IsEmpty(Sheet2.Range(spli & j)) = False And j < 1048576
j = j + 1
For coun = 0 To coll - 1
Sheet2.Cells(j, Sheet1.Range(spli & c).Column - 1 - coun) = k(coun)
Next coun
Sheet2.Range(spli & j) = g
For coun = 0 To colr - 1
Sheet2.Cells(j, Sheet1.Range(spli & c).Column + 1 + coun) = l(coun)
Next coun
i = e - 1
End If
h = 1
End If
Next e
Next c
Dim m As Long, o As Integer
m = srow
Dim n As String
While IsEmpty(Sheet2.Range(spli & m)) = False
Sheet2.Range(spli & m) = Trim(Sheet2.Range(spli & m)) 'trim
n = Sheet2.Range(spli & m)
For o = 1 To Len(n)
If Mid(n, o, 1) = " " Then n = Left(n, 1) & Right(n, Len(n) - 2) 'remove single space
Next o
Sheet2.Range(spli & m) = n
m = m + 1
End Sub
對不起,這是一個錯字。其VBA – Emily
請張貼您的代碼在哪裏堅持 – hnk
我試圖修剪值,但我無法繼續,因爲它顯示語法錯誤。正如我之前告訴過的,我只是一個宏的新手:( Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range(「A1:A」)。Value = Replace $(trim(「A:A」),「」,「」 ) End Sub – Emily