2015-11-19 71 views

嗨,你能幫助我嗎?我正在開發一個高爾夫障礙網站。但我在PHP語言方面的知識並不多,我只是PHP的初學者。 我需要記錄每位高爾夫選手的所有比分,並計算20場比賽中的最佳10個比分來獲得差點評分。不是10個最低分,而是10個最高分。我一直在研究它一個月,但我無法得到高爾夫障礙的確切代碼和邏輯。請幫幫我。高爾夫障礙網站

include "class.agolfhandicap.php"; 
include "conn.php"; 
$gh=new agolfhandicap(); 


// Get the user name if submitted. 
if(isset($_POST['delete'])){   //delete the record 
if(isset($_POST['edit'])){   //edit the record 
// If no user yet, ask for it. 
print "<form name='user' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' method='POST'>"; 
print "Enter your user name:<input type='text' name='user' size='20'>"; 
print "<input type='hidden' name='hid' value='true'>"; 
print "<input type='submit' value='Submit' name='submits'>"; 
print "</form>"; 
// We have a username, so get new game data and display handicap and all games. 
print "<h2>Golf Game Database and Handicap Calculator for $user</h2>\n"; 
@$id=($_POST['edit']=="")? "":$id; 
print ($hc==0)?"<h3>You need at least 5 games for a handicap index.</h3>":"<h3>Handicap for $user is $hc</h3><br>"; 
// If you just want the data without displaying it, use next line. 
include "conn.php"; 
class agolfhandicap 
var $user;   // Username of golfer 
var $all = array(); // Array used to return all game information from database 
var $use=array(0=>0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,10); 
         // $use is an array used to determine how many games 
         // to use to calculate the handicap index. 

// Sets the player's name. 
function setuser($user) 
return true; 

// Retrieves the submitted new game information and stores it in the database. 
function getnewgame($id="") 
// print "submit=".$_POST['submit']; 
// $id=$_POST['id']; 
$date =$_POST['date1']; 

$score = $_POST['score1']; 
$crat = $_POST['crat1']; 
$srat = $_POST['srat1']; 
$course = $_POST['course1']; 
if(!$date || !$score || !$crat || !$srat || !$course){ 
return false; 
$queryInsert = "INSERT INTO `golfhcapu` (user,course,date,score,crating,srating,hcapdiff) VALUES ('$user','$course','$date','$score','$crat','$srat','$hcap')"; 
$resultGetPages = mysql_query($queryInsert) or die ("Query failed: error was ".mysql_error()); 
    $upd="UPDATE `golfhcapu` SET user='$user',date='$date',course='$course',score='$score',crating='$crat',srating='$srat',hcapdiff='$hcap' WHERE id='$id'"; 
return true; 
return false; 

// This function displays a form to fill out to input the following 
// new game information: 
// Date 
// 18 hole score 
// Course Rating 
// Slope Rating of the course 
// Name of the golf course 
function showform($id="") //Give it the id number of a record to edit it. 
if($id == ""){   //If not editing, get the POST data 
}else{     //If editing get the values from the database 
$queryGetPages = "SELECT * FROM `golfhcapu` WHERE `id`='$id'"; 
$resultGetPages = mysql_query($queryGetPages) or die ("Query failed: error was ".mysql_error()); 
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resultGetPages); 
print ($id=="")?"<h4>Enter a new game.</h4>":"<h4>Edit the game</h4>"; 
print "<style>table{border-collapse:collapse}</style>"; 
print "<table border=3 cellpadding=6 >"; 
print "<tr align='center'>"; 
print "<td>Date<br>(mm/dd/yyyy)</td>"; 
print "<td>Adjusted<br>Gross Score</td>"; 
print "<td>USGA Course<br>Rating</td>"; 
print "<td>USGA Slope<br>Rating</td>"; 
print "<td>Course Name</td>"; 
print "</tr>"; 
print "<tr align='center'>"; 
print "<form name='frm' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' method='POST'>\n"; 
print "<input type='hidden' name='user' value='$this->user'>\n"; 
print "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>\n"; 
print "<td><input type='text' size='20' name='date1' value='$date'></td>\n"; 
print "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='score1' value='$score'></td>\n"; 
print "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='crat1' value='$crat'></td>\n"; 
print "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='srat1' value='$srat'></td>\n"; 
print "<td><input type='text' size='30' name='course1' value='$course'></td>\n"; 
print "</tr></table>\n"; 
print "<br><table><tr>"; 
print "<td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'>\n"; 
print "</form></td>"; 
print "<td><form name='frm' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' method='POST'>\n"; 
print "<input type='hidden' name='user' value='$this->user'><br>"; 
print "<input type='submit' name='cancel' value='Cancel'>"; 
print "</form></td></tr></table>"; 
return true; 


// Displays a table of all the games played by user with the latest game first. The 
// information displayed is: 
// Game number 
// Date of the game 
// Adjusted Gross Score 
// USGA Course Rating 
// USGA Slope Rating of the course 
// Handicap Differential of the game as calculated by this class 
// Course name 

function showall() 
print "<style>table{border-collapse:collapse}</style>"; 
print "<table border=3 cellpadding=6 >"; 
print "<tr align='center'>"; 
print "<td>Game<br>Number</td>"; 
print "<td>Date</td>"; 
print "<td>Adjusted<br>Gross Score</td>"; 
print "<td>USGA Course<br>Rating</td>"; 
print "<td>USGA Slope<br>Rating</td>"; 
print "<td>Handicap<br>Differential</td>"; 
print "<td>Course Name</td>"; 
print "<td>Edit</td>"; 
print "<td>Delete</td>"; 
print "</tr>"; 
    print "<tr align='center'>"; 
print "<form method='POST' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]'>\n"; 
print "<input type='hidden' name='user' value='$this->user'>\n"; 
print "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>\n"; 
    print "<td>$j</td>"; 
    print "<td>".$all[$i]['date']."</td>"; 
    print "<td>".$all[$i]['score']."</td>"; 
    print "<td>".$all[$i]['crating']."</td>"; 
    print "<td>".$all[$i]['srating']."</td>"; 
    print "<td>".$all[$i]['hcapdiff']."</td>"; 
    print "<td>".$all[$i]['course']."</td>"; 
print "<td><input type='submit' name='edit' value='Edit'></td>\n"; 
print "<td><input type='submit' name='delete' value='Delete'></td>\n"; 
print "</form>"; 
    print "</tr>"; 
print "</table>"; 


// Retrieves the information for each game entered for 'user' in the database 
// and returns it in an multidimensional array. 
//     Data for the first game: 
// array[0]['id']     id number of record in database 
// array[0]['date']     date game was played 
// array[0]['score']     adjusted gross score of game 
// array[0]['crating']    course rating 
// array[0]['srating']    slope rating 
// array[0]['hcapdiff']    handicap differential 
// array[0]['course']    course name 

//     Data for the second game: 
// array[1]['id'] 
// array[1]['date'] 
// array[1]['score'] 
// array[1]['crating'] 
// array[1]['srating'] 
// array[1]['hcapdiff'] 
// array[1]['course'] 
//  etc 
function getAll() 
$queryGetPages = "SELECT * FROM `golfhcapu` WHERE `user`='$this->user' ORDER BY `date`"; 
$resultGetPages = mysql_query($queryGetPages) or die ("Query failed: error was ".mysql_error()); 
if($n > 0){ 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultGetPages)){ 
return $this->all; 
return false; 

// Reads the database and retrieves up to the last 20 games played. 
// Determines how many of these games to use, and which ones, to calculate 
// the handicap index. 
// Using the chosen games, calculates the handicap index and returns it. 
// If fewer than five games have been played, returns 0. 
// A minimum of five games must have been played to determine the handicap index. 
function gethcap() 
$queryGetGames = "SELECT * FROM `golfhcapu` WHERE `user`='$this->user' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 20"; 
$resultGetGames = mysql_query($queryGetGames) or die ("Query failed: error was ".mysql_error()); 
if($nr > 4){ 
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($resultGetGames); 
return $hcap; 
return 0; 
function deleteGame($id) 
    $sql = "DELETE FROM golfhcapu WHERE id=$id"; 
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Delete failed: error was ".mysql_error()); 
// End of class 


Stackoverflow不是一個社區,您可以只問人們爲您推薦禮儀代碼。請向我們展示一些您已經嘗試過的代碼,並確認您遇到的具體問題 – ThomasVdBerge


目前尚不清楚導致問題的哪一部分。這聽起來像它可能只是一個簡單的數據庫查詢 - 按分數排序(降序)並獲得前10個結果。你有沒有嘗試過任何東西?發生了什麼?請在問題中包含您努力的成果。 –


我會在這裏等待我的代碼。 –





謝謝你給我的想法。非常感謝你! –


僅供參考當我回答時,我沒有看到您在編輯時添加的代碼。 – surprisedbadger


我會爲你給我的想法制作另一個代碼。再次感謝。 –