if($_POST['upload']) {
if($_FILES['image']['name'] == "")
#there's no file name return an error
echo "<br/><b>Please select a file to upload!\n</b>";
#we have a filename, continue
#directory to upload to
$uploads = '/home/habbonow/public_html/other/quacked/photos';
$usruploads = 'photos';
#allowed file types
$type_array = array(image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG), image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF), image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG), 'image/pjpeg');
if(!in_array($_FILES['image']['type'], $type_array))
#the type of the file is not in the list we want to allow
echo "<br/><b>That file type is not allowed!\n</b>";
$max_filesize = 512000;
$max_filesize_kb = ($max_filesize/1024);
if($_FILES['image']['size'] > $max_filesize)
#file is larger than the value of $max_filesize return an error
echo "<br/><b>Your file is too large, files may be up to ".$max_filesize_kb."kb\n</b>";
$imagesize = getimagesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
#get width
$imagewidth = $imagesize[0];
#get height
$imageheight = $imagesize[1];
#allowed dimensions
$maxwidth = 1024;
$maxheight = 1024;
if($imagewidth > $maxwidth || $imageheight > $maxheight)
#one or both of the image dimensions are larger than the allowed sizes return an error
echo "<br/><b>Your file is too large, files may be up to ".$maxwidth."px x ".$maxheight."px in size\n</b>";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $uploads.'/'.$_FILES['image']['name']) or die ("Couldn't upload ".$_FILES['image']['name']." \n");
echo "<br/>The URL to your photo is <b>" . $usruploads . "/" . $_FILES['image']['name'] . "</b>. Please use this when defining the gallery photos";
<form name="uploader" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="image" style="width:300px;cursor:pointer" />
<input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload Image" />
'退出;'將停止腳本。 PHP代碼後的HTML不會被髮送到瀏覽器。 – Eliasdx 2011-04-16 12:40:53
它給出了什麼錯誤?懇請提及所有 – diEcho 2011-04-16 12:42:34
只適用於這裏完美的工作'move_uploaded_file()'警告後點擊上傳按鈕bcoz文件夾結構是不同於我的電腦 – diEcho 2011-04-16 12:44:18