2011-02-28 56 views

我想在Windows上使用distutils構建Python的Python 3.2擴展(3.2)。下面 是代碼:(從在Python(3.1.3)源分佈演示/嵌入/ demo.c)構建Python的擴展(3.2),但得到錯誤「找不到-lmsvcr90」

/* Example of embedding Python in another program */ 

#include "Python.h" 

PyObject* PyInit_xyzzy(void); /* Forward */ 

main(int argc, char **argv) 
    /* Ignore passed-in argc/argv. If desired, conversion 
     should use mbstowcs to convert them. */ 
    wchar_t *args[] = {L"embed", L"hello", 0}; 

    /* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */ 

    /* Add a static module */ 
    PyImport_AppendInittab("xyzzy", PyInit_xyzzy); 

    /* Initialize the Python interpreter. Required. */ 

    /* Define sys.argv. It is up to the application if you 
     want this; you can also let it undefined (since the Python 
     code is generally not a main program it has no business 
     touching sys.argv...) 

     If the third argument is true, sys.path is modified to include 
     either the directory containing the script named by argv[0], or 
     the current working directory. This can be risky; if you run 
     an application embedding Python in a directory controlled by 
     someone else, attackers could put a Trojan-horse module in the 
     directory (say, a file named os.py) that your application would 
     then import and run. 
    PySys_SetArgvEx(2, args, 0); 

    /* Do some application specific code */ 
    printf("Hello, brave new world\n\n"); 

    /* Execute some Python statements (in module __main__) */ 
    PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\n"); 

    /* Note that you can call any public function of the Python 
     interpreter here, e.g. call_object(). */ 

    /* Some more application specific code */ 
    printf("\nGoodbye, cruel world\n"); 

    /* Exit, cleaning up the interpreter */ 

/* A static module */ 

/* 'self' is not used */ 
static PyObject * 
xyzzy_foo(PyObject *self, PyObject* args) 
    return PyLong_FromLong(42L); 

static PyMethodDef xyzzy_methods[] = { 
    {"foo",    xyzzy_foo,  METH_NOARGS, 
    "Return the meaning of everything."}, 
    {NULL,    NULL}   /* sentinel */ 

static struct PyModuleDef xyzzymodule = { 
    {}, /* m_base */ 
    "xyzzy", /* m_name */ 
    0, /* m_doc */ 
    0, /* m_size */ 
    xyzzy_methods, /* m_methods */ 
    0, /* m_reload */ 
    0, /* m_traverse */ 
    0, /* m_clear */ 
    0, /* m_free */ 

    return PyModule_Create(&xyzzymodule); 

我建立 「setup.py」 文件是這樣的:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension 

module1 = Extension('xyzzy', 
        sources = ['demo.c']) 

setup (name = 'xyzzy', 
     version = '1.0', 
     description = 'This is a demo package', 
     ext_modules = [module1]) 

和他們,我運行 「的setup.bat」:

python.exe setup.py build -c mingw32 


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\C擴展python>python.exe setup.py bui 
ld -c mingw32 
running build 
running build_ext 
building 'xyzzy' extension 
creating build 
creating build\temp.win32-3.2 
creating build\temp.win32-3.2\Release 
D:\Program Files\DEV-CPP\Bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall -ID:\Python32\in 
clude -ID:\Python32\PC -c demo.c -o build\temp.win32-3.2\Release\demo.o 
demo.c:8: warning: return type defaults to `int' 
demo.c: In function `main': 
demo.c:56: warning: control reaches end of non-void function 
writing build\temp.win32-3.2\Release\xyzzy.def 
creating build\lib.win32-3.2 
D:\Program Files\DEV-CPP\Bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -shared -s build\temp.win32-3.2 
\Release\demo.o build\temp.win32-3.2\Release\xyzzy.def -LD:\Python32\libs -LD:\P 
ython32\PCbuild -lpython32 -lmsvcr90 -o build\lib.win32-3.2\xyzzy.pyd 
D:\Program Files\DEV-CPP\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld 
.exe: cannot find -lmsvcr90 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\C擴展python>pause 
請按任意鍵繼續. . . 

我不明白「找不到-lmsvcr90」是什麼意思?順便說一下,我使用DEV C++的編譯器(是否有問題?)



有憐憫,請學習如何正確格式化SO問題! – mloskot



msvcr90是Microsoft Visual C運行時。 instructions for building on Windows僅描述使用Visual Studio;我不知道它是否可以與dev C++一起使用。您可以免費下載「Visual Studio Express」here


非常感謝。我已經解決了這個問題。我下載了VS2008,並在floder中找到了「msvcp90.dll」文件。然後我將「svcp90.dll」複製到D:\ Python32 \ libs,然後運行「python.exe setup.py build -c mingw32」,我得到了正確的結果(pyd)! – ahan
