valuetoshow = myarray['stringFromWebApiCall'];
JSHINT拋出一個合適的。我明白爲什麼JSHINT告訴我這一點,並且我明白它告訴我的是哪一行,並且我知道如果我將代碼更改爲諸如「answers.undergraduate = bigarray」之類的代碼,它將修復jshint。 我只是不知道如何使用.notation訪問數組,當我在下面的代碼中提供了一個字符串。
['UNDERGRADUATE'] is better written in dot notation.
['GRADUATE'] is better written in dot notation.
['HONORARY'] is better written in dot notation.
['DOCTORATE'] is better written in dot notation.
['MASTERS'] is better written in dot notation.
['UNDEFINED'] is better written in dot notation.
answers['UNDERGRADUATE'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Create a network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Receive nursing guidance', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
answers['GRADUATE'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Expand your network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Grow your portfolio', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Develop advanced leadership skills', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Stay current on nursing trends', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
answers['NURSE LEADER'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Expand your network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Grow your portfolio', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Develop advanced leadership skills', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Stay current on nursing trends', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
answers['HONORARY'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Expand your network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Grow your portfolio', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Develop advanced leadership skills', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Stay current on nursing trends', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
answers['DOCTORATE'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Expand your network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Grow your portfolio', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Develop advanced leadership skills', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Stay current on nursing trends', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
answers['MASTERS'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Expand your network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Grow your portfolio', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Develop advanced leadership skills', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Stay current on nursing trends', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
answers['UNDEFINED'] = [
{ 'name': 'Find a job', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Expand your network with STTI members', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Grow your portfolio', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':false, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Develop advanced leadership skills', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Stay current on nursing trends', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false },
{ 'name': 'Learn and grow through online continuing nursing education', 'ticked': false, 'hideThisGroup':true, 'checkboxDisabled': false }
if ($rootScope.constituent != undefined){
if ($rootScope.constituent.InductedAs != undefined) {
$scope.constituentPriorities = answers[$rootScope.constituent.InductedAs.toUpperCase()];
} else {
$scope.constituentPriorities = answers['UNDEFINED'];
檢查對象是否有屬性。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135448/how-do-i-check-if-an-object-has-a-property-in-javascript – Hobbs
呃...代碼中唯一需要括號表示的屬性名稱是'NURSE LEADER',您可以用點符號來寫所有其他屬性名稱。 – Teemu
你沒有_strings_,你在方括號內有_primitives_。它們是硬編碼的,因此不會動態創建。如果您需要括號內的變量,請刪除引號。只有包含'$,_,AZ,az,0-9'之外的字符的屬性名稱需要括號符號_hardcoded_, – Teemu