if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Content_pages extends MY_Controller
* Account::__construct()
* Load the parent construct and any additional models, helper, libraries available.
* @return void
public function __construct()
$this->load->model('content_page_model', 'content_page');
* Content_pages::read()
* @return
public function read()
// Checks to see if the user has a role id of four and if they do then it shows the admin dashboard and if not then shows the user dashboard.
if ($this->user_data->access_level_id >= 4)
// Retrieve all the users from the database that handle characters and assign it to the users variable.
$content_pages = $this->content_page->get_all();
// Place to dump the users array to verify it is the expected value.
// vardump($users);
// Checks to verify that there is data inside of the users array and that it is not empty.
if (!empty($content_pages))
$this->template->set('content_pages', $content_pages);
// Add the breadcrumbs to the view.
$this->breadcrumb->add_crumb('<li><a href="' . base_url() . 'wrestling-manager/control-panel" class="glyphicons home"><i></i> Control Panel</a></li>');
$this->breadcrumb->add_crumb('<li><i></i> Content Pages</li>');
$this->breadcrumb->change_link('<li class="divider"></li>');
// Sets all the properites for the template view.
->set_partial('header', 'partials/header')
->set_partial('footer', 'partials/footer')
->title('Content Pages')
->set('user_data', $this->user_data)
echo 'haha';
* Content_pages::edit()
* @return void
public function create()
echo 'testing for create function';
* Content_pages::edit()
* @return void
public function edit($content_page_id)
public function delete($content_page_id)
* Content_pages::save()
* @return
public function save()
echo 'testing for save function';
* Content_pages::update()
* @return
public function update()
echo 'testing for update function';
這是什麼發生在這個鏈接? https://github.com/EllisLab/CodeIgniter/wiki/Permission-Class – user2576961
@ user2576961上帝,我討厭CodeIgniter :)嗯,它是類似的東西。如果仔細查看鏈接的代碼,您可以在每個方法的上方看到每種方法的摘要。顯示的解決方案非常醜陋,不專業,但概念是相同的。您在服務之前攔截請求並首先詢問訪問控制設施,以決定是允許還是不允許用戶請求的操作。舉例來說,它在控制器內部執行。我會推薦它(和一般的CI),但它會成爲你品味的問題。 – Powerslave
夠公平的。我感謝您的建議和意見。 – user2576961