2015-02-24 384 views




// start with finding the start node 's' and the adjacent nodes 
match (s:Node {name: 's'})-[:ADJ]->(C:Node) 
// match only the adjacent nodes that have 'set C' 
where C.set = 'C' 
// pass C onto the remainder of the query 
with s,C 
// match the nodes that are adjacent to the nodes in 'set C' 
match C-[:ADJ]->(adjacent) 
// return all of the nodes in set C and a collection of the nodes 
// adjacent to the set C nodes 
return s.name, C.name, collect(adjacent.name) 

非常感謝您的回覆。不幸的是,這個查詢似乎返回了與*的任何*元素相鄰的所有節點。我想要的是找到與C的* all *元素相鄰的節點。 – cmc 2015-02-24 19:03:28


您的回覆幫助我理解數據的聲明和流然而,再次感謝:) – cmc 2015-02-24 19:04:19


這找到了C中的所有元素,然後找到與C的每個元素相鄰的所有節點。它只查找出站相鄰節點,但很容易更改通過消除關係中的箭頭。是否要將所有與C集相鄰的節點作爲單個集合返回? – 2015-02-24 19:59:44
