解決方案: 我這裏使用的代碼:Getting the headings from a Word document這是一個偉大的開始 - 感謝VonC並取得一些器官功能障礙綜合徵的CreateOutline子程序:
Public Sub CreateOutline()
Dim docOutline As Word.Document
Dim docSource As Word.Document
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim astrHeadings As Variant
Dim strText As String
Dim intLevel As Integer
' ========================================
' Added a static variable to retain the
' last paragraph outline level
' ========================================
Static intLastLevel As Integer
' ========================================
Dim intItem As Integer
Set docSource = ActiveDocument
Set docOutline = Documents.Add
' Content returns only the
' main body of the document, not
' the headers and footer.
Set rng = docOutline.Content
astrHeadings = docSource.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeHeading)
For intItem = LBound(astrHeadings) To UBound(astrHeadings)
' Get the text and the level.
strText = Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem))
intLevel = GetLevel(CStr(astrHeadings(intItem)))
' ========================================
' If the paragraph level is increasing, add a tab,
' if decreasing add a new line, and insert the appropriate
' tabs as prefix.
' ========================================
If intLevel > intLastLevel Then
strText = vbTab & strText
strText = vbNewLine & String(intLevel, Chr(9)) & strText
End If
' ========================================
' Add the text to the document.
rng.InsertAfter strText
' Set the style of the selected range and
' then collapse the range for the next entry.
' rng.Style = "Heading " & intLevel ' Removed the style setting
' ========================================
' Remeber the current paragraph level
' ========================================
intLastLevel = intLevel
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
Next intItem
End Sub
Private Function GetLevel(strItem As String) As Integer
' Return the heading level of a header from the
' array returned by Word.
' The number of leading spaces indicates the
' outline level (2 spaces per level: H1 has
' 0 spaces, H2 has 2 spaces, H3 has 4 spaces.
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strOriginal As String
Dim intDiff As Integer
' Get rid of all trailing spaces.
strOriginal = RTrim$(strItem)
' Trim leading spaces, and then compare with
' the original.
strTemp = LTrim$(strOriginal)
' Subtract to find the number of
' leading spaces in the original string.
intDiff = Len(strOriginal) - Len(strTemp)
GetLevel = (intDiff/2) + 1
End Function
請編輯您的問題只是一個問題,並把答案作爲答案 - 這是如何工作。 – grahamj42 2013-03-18 11:41:21
行 - 會做的。感謝您的建議,我會在接下來的幾天更新。我不想問一些與許多其他問題看起來非常相似的東西... – 2013-03-18 23:55:59