# Set ticks for 2nd y axis
set y2tics
# We don't want to see the left ticks on the right axis
set ytics nomirror
# Set ranges so that the data points are not on the axis
set xrange [0:11]
set yrange [8:23]
set y2range[3.95:4.05]
# use first line of the file for labels
set key autotitle columnhead
# display key in least busy area
set key bottom right
# Title and axis labels
set title "Nice Try"
set xlabel "Number"
set ylabel "Data1"
set y2label "Data2"
plot "so.dat" using 1:2 axes x1y1 with points pointsize 2,\
"" u 1:3 axes x1y2 w p ps 2 pointtype 6