2013-12-11 32 views



  1. 創建使用$form = $form->createView();
  2. 形式


  3. 它傳遞給客戶
  4. 在客戶端解析它。

我正在使用FOS REST軟件包。

我可以在文檔 here中找到的是如何處理錯誤或渲染它。

如果是相關的,我現在用的是 JMS Serializer Bundle


"info": { 
    "ContactName": "Zane Zorn ", 
    "BusinessName": "Business 164", 
    "JobCategory": "House Sitting", 
    "MajorIntersection": "John St and Jane St", 
    "JobDescription": "A job that needs being done" 
"form": { 
    "vars": { 
     "value": {}, 
     "attr": [], 
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寧靜的api。 看看博客文章: http://williamdurand.fr/2012/08/02/rest-apis-with-symfony2-the-right-way/

您需要在處理put/post操作時創建表單。 的列表(getResouces動作)和一個獲得一個資源通過其ID(的getResource動作)只需使用倉庫找,但是你必須對控制器的動作休息註釋:



type: rest 
resource: Radsphere\RecruitmentBundle\Controller\StatusController 
prefix: /api 
name_prefix: api_recruitment_ 


* Process update or create request from a resource 
* @param $apiResource 
* @return View|Response 
protected function processForm($apiResource) 
    $form = null; 
    try { 
     $resourceData = $apiResource->getData(); 
     $statusCode = $resourceData->getId() ? 204 : 201; 
     $formMethod = "POST"; 
     if ($statusCode === 204) { 
      $formMethod = "PUT"; 

     $request = $this->getRequest(); 

     $form = $this->createForm(
      array('method' => $formMethod) 
     $request = $this->get('api_resource.factory')->formatRequestWithForm(


     if ($form->isValid()) { 


      $response = new Response(); 

      // set the 'Location' header only when creating new resources 
      if ($statusCode === 201 || $statusCode === 204) { 

         $serializedObject = $this->get('jms_serializer')->serialize($resourceData, 'json'); 



      return $response; 
     return View::create($form, 400); 
    } catch (\Exception $e) { 
     $this->get('logger')->error("Exception raised during post a resource " . $e->getMessage()); 
     return View::create($e->getMessage(), 400); 
