2012-07-12 45 views

有沒有辦法讓圖形的x/y tic-labels格式依賴於tic的值?我設想格式的語句有條件的gnuplot tic格式化

set format y (((<arg> > 1e-3) && (<arg> < 1e2)) ? "%2.1f" : "10^{%T}") 


10^{ - 4},10^{ - 3},0.01,0.1,1, 10,10^{2}



set xtics ("10^{-3}" 1e-3, "0.01" 0.01, "0.1" 0.1, "1" 1, "10" 10, "10^{2)" 1e2) 





set termoption enhanced 

#for this to work, we need to set ranges explicitly :-(
set xrange [-10:10] 
set yrange [1e-4:exp(10)] 

#Yippee!!! logscale plots :-) 
set logscale y 

#We'll make 3 plots. The first plot is of the data and a piece of the y range tics 
# the next two plots have no data, they only add another piece of the range tics. 
set multiplot 

#for this to work, we have to guarantee that all the plots line up exactly 
set lmargin at screen 0.1 
set bmargin at screen 0.1 
set rmargin at screen 0.9 
set tmargin at screen 0.9 

set ytics 1e-2,10,90 format "%g" #center of the range, normal tics. 
plot exp(x)+exp(-x)    #looks like a V in logscale. Neat. 
unset xtics      #already did this once. don't need to put it on again. 
unset border      #already did this once too... 
set ytics 100,10 format "10^{%L}" #Next plot, top end of the tics 
plot NaN notitle     #plots nothing. Only works if range is set explicitly. 
set ytics 1e-5,10,9e-3   #next plot, low end of the tics 

#Any additional labels, objects, arrows, the title etc. should go here. 
#Otherwise you'll need to unset them like we did with the xtics and border 
#to prevent them from being plotted twice 
#(objects which are plotted twice sometimes look a little bit darker than they should). 

plot NaN notitle 
unset multiplot     #and we're done. 

哇。這有些複雜,但它避免了手動重新指定TIC標籤,這正是我所要做的。謝謝! (我會贊成,但我還沒有足夠的聲望。) – KDN 2012-07-12 03:58:05