2013-07-03 37 views

我試圖使用videoBG中的jQuery插件來讓視頻填充100%寬度和高度的頂部div。我想要#頂級視頻來填充#個頂級內容。問題在於什麼都沒有出現。有什麼建議麼?謝謝!Javascript videoBG

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Dupont Studios</title> 
    <link href= 'style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> 
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    <script type="text/javascript" src="waypoints.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.videoBG.js"></script> 


     $(function() { 
     // Do our DOM lookups beforehand 
     var nav_container = $(".nav-container"); 
     var nav = $("nav"); 
     handler: function(direction) { 
     nav_container.toggleClass('sticky', direction=='down'); 



<div id = 'top-container'> 
    <div id = 'top-content'> 
     <div id = 'top-video'> 
      <span>Here is some text</span> 

     <div id = 'top-text'> 
      <div id = 'top-img'> 
       <img src='top-img.png' width = "600" height = '115'> 
      <h1 id = 'top-slogan'>A Video Production Studio</h1> 
    <div class = 'nav-container'> 
      <div id = 'header-img'> 
       <img src='top-img.png' width = "450" height = '86.25'> 
      <div id = 'nav-items-container'> 
       <ul class = 'nav-items'> 
        <li class = 'nav-item'><a href='#'><b>w</b>hat</a></li> 
        <li class = 'nav-item'><a href='#'><b>h</b>ow</a></li> 
        <li class = 'nav-item'><a href='#'><b>w</b>hy</a></li> 
        <li class = 'nav-item'><a href='#'><b>w</b>here</a></li> 
        <li class = 'nav-item'><a href='#'><b>w</b>ho</a></li> 

<div id = 'main-container'> 
    <div id = 'main-content'> 
     <div id = 'main-content1'> 
      <h2>what we do</h2> 
      <p>We have built a boutique full service video producton studio quite literally in the heart of Dupont Circle. 
      Yes, our address is 21 Dupont Circle- we're racross from the south end of the dupont metro stop, right near the Krispy Kreme...mmm,good!</p> 
      <p>Unlike other video production studios, we have an exclusive focus on subscription based filming that 
       allows for organizations to build their brand and convey their ideas on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.</p> 

       The benefits of subscription based video production allows us to more <mark class = 'blue-me'>deeply partner</mark> with our clients 
       and align interest for long term <mark class = 'blue-me'>strategic communication goals</mark>. 
     <div id = 'main-content2'> 
      <div id = 'video-text'> 
       <p>We have built a boutique full service video producton studio quite literally in the heart of Dupont Circle. 
        Yes, our address is 21 Dupont Circle- we're racross from the south end of the dupont metro stop, right near the Krispy Kreme...mmm,good! 
      <div id = 'video'> 
       <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/69176991?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> 
     <div id = 'picture'> 
      <img src='test.jpg' width = "1200" height = '800'> 


