我想知道如何操作inview.js腳本,當它的觸發時間不在視口中的第一個像素時,以及最後一次元素外出時,而是例如50像素以後或更早。 inview.js的腳本是當inview.js正在觸發時操作
(function ($) {
function getViewportHeight() {
var height = window.innerHeight; // Safari, Opera
var mode = document.compatMode;
if ((mode || !$.support.boxModel)) { // IE, Gecko
height = (mode == 'CSS1Compat') ?
document.documentElement.clientHeight : // Standards
document.body.clientHeight; // Quirks
return height;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var vpH = getViewportHeight(),
scrolltop = (document.documentElement.scrollTop ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop :
elems = [];
// naughty, but this is how it knows which elements to check for
$.each($.cache, function() {
if (this.events && this.events.inview) {
if (elems.length) {
$(elems).each(function() {
var $el = $(this),
top = $el.offset().top,
height = $el.height(),
inview = $el.data('inview') || false;
if (scrolltop > (top + height) || scrolltop + vpH < top) {
if (inview) {
$el.data('inview', false);
$el.trigger('inview', [ false ]);
} else if (scrolltop < (top + height)) {
if (!inview) {
$el.data('inview', true);
$el.trigger('inview', [ true ]);
// kick the event to pick up any elements already in view.
// note however, this only works if the plugin is included after the elements are bound to 'inview'
$(function() {
我學嘗試是增加值,以抵消頂部top = $el.offset().top + 50,
它的作品!但我怎樣才能改變自下而上的價值? 感謝泰德