2013-01-08 63 views


Private Sub Workbook_Open() 
Dim F As Long 
Dim M As Long 
Dim colorD As Range 
Dim Cell As Range 

F = Range("C" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row 
M = Range("C" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row 
Set colorD = Range("D" & Rows.count).End(xlUp) 

If F < 2 Then F = 2 
If M < 2 Then M = 2 

For Each Cell In colorD 
    If Cell.Interior.Color <> 3 Then 
    F = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("C2:C" & F), "F") 
    M = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("C2:C" & M), "M") 
    End If 
Next Cell 

MsgBox ("Females=" & F & "," & "Males=" & M) 

End Sub 




Debug.Print Cell.Interior.ColorIndex 




IF Cell.Interior.ColorIndex <> 3 then 

//count count 
End if 


  1. 請使用Explicit reference for Ranges e.g.表(1).Range it helps alot. So changed the way上次使用Row`被發現。
  2. 你沒有設置colorD,它只有2行。因此,它改變爲, Set colorD = Sheets(2).Range("D2").Resize(endRow)
  3. If在做與<>相反,所以改爲If Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
  4. 甲錯字改成了M = M - redM


Option Explicit 

Sub countbyColourAndGender() 
    Dim endRow As Long 
    Dim redF As Long 
    Dim redM As Long 
    Dim F As Long 
    Dim M As Long 
    Dim colorD As Range 
    Dim Cell As Range 
    Dim cellVal As String 

    'Find the ending row --HERE: it gave an error, so changed it.. 
    endRow = Sheets(2).Cells(Sheets(2).Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row 
    'Ensure ending row is at least Row 2 
    If endRow < 2 Then 
     endRow = 2 
    End If 

    'Count all the Females 
    F = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets(2).Range("C2:C" & endRow), "F") 
    'Count all the Males 
    M = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets(2).Range("C2:C" & endRow), "M") 

    'Set the applicable Column D range -- HERE: changed using `Resize` 
    Set colorD = Sheets(2).Range("D2").Resize(endRow) 
    'Loop through each cell in Column D 
    For Each Cell In colorD 
     If Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then '-- HERE: not <> but = 
      'Red Cell found, get the cell value from Column C 
      cellVal = LCase(Cell.Offset(-1, -1).Value) 
      If cellVal = "f" Then redF = redF + 1 'Increment count of red Females 
      If cellVal = "m" Then redM = redM + 1 'Increment count of red Males 
     End If 
    Next Cell 

    'Subtract any red Females 
    F = F - redF 
    'Subtract any red Males : HERE it has to subsctract not equal.. 
    M = M - redM 

    'Alert User with counts 
    MsgBox ("Females=" & F & "," & "Males=" & M) 
End Sub 


enter image description here


@馬特請你試試這個.. 。因爲我碰巧做了一些[顏色指數](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14198098/excel-vba-apply-auto-filter-and-sort-by-specific-colour/14200175#comment19690275_14200175)昨天..如果沒有錯我不能使用'.color' .. – bonCodigo


我將代碼更改爲.ColorIndex。變化什麼都不做。一個調試語句給出的值爲1.單元格顏色將爲「null」,「黑色」,「紅色」或「橙色」 – matt


@matt我運行了你的代碼,請看看修訂後的版本和證明;) – bonCodigo



For Each Cell In colorD 
    If Cell.Interior.Color <> 3 Then 
     'Here you are re-evaluating F, not incrementing it. 
     F = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("C2:C" & F), "F") 
     'And the same for M. 
     M = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("C2:C" & M), "M") 
    End If 
Next Cell 


Private Sub Workbook_Open() 
    Dim endRow As Long 
    Dim redF As Long 
    Dim redM As Long 
    Dim F As Long 
    Dim M As Long 
    Dim colorD As Range 
    Dim Cell As Range 
    Dim cellVal As String 

    'Find the ending row 
    endRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).endRow 
    'Ensure ending row is at least Row 2 
    If endRow < 2 Then 
     endRow = 2 
    End If 

    'Count all the Females 
    F = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("C2:C" & endRow), "F") 
    'Count all the Males 
    M = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("C2:C" & endRow), "M") 

    'Set the applicable Column D range 
    Set colorD = Range("D2", Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) 
    'Loop through each cell in Column D 
    For Each Cell In colorD 
     If Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then 
      'Red Cell found, get the cell value from Column C 
      cellVal = LCase(Cell.Offset(-1, 0).Value) 
      If cellVal = "f" Then redF = redF + 1 'Increment count of red Females 
      If cellVal = "m" Then redM = redM + 1 'Increment count of red Males 
     End If 
    Next Cell 

    'Subtract any red Females 
    F = F - redF 
    'Subtract any red Males 
    M = M = redM 

    'Alert User with counts 
    MsgBox ("Females=" & F & "," & "Males=" & M) 
End Sub 

這是一對夫婦的幾個變化我同意,但不是重新評估部分雖然...;) – bonCodigo


對不起,在這個延遲,開了一次會議。經過一些調試後,我最初做了一些錯誤,我發現它的工作原理。非常感謝你的努力! – matt