2014-11-20 62 views


我嘗試混合來自http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s3/win026.htm的代碼。我正在玩它,只有copy_folder()正在工作。我得到運行時錯誤'53' - 在Copy_Certain_Files_In_Folder()Copy_Files_Dates()上找不到文件。


Sub CopyPasteFiles() 

Dim FSO As Object 
Dim FromPath As String 
Dim ToPath As String 
Dim Fdate As Date 
Dim FileExt As String 
Dim objFile As Object 
Dim objFolder As Object 

FromPath = "C:\Users\Run" '<< Change 
ToPath = "C:\Users\Test" '<< Change 
FileExt = "*BT.csv" 

If Right(FromPath, 1) <> "\" Then 
    FromPath = FromPath & "\" 
End If 

Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") 

If FSO.FolderExists(FromPath) = False Then 
    MsgBox FromPath & " doesn't exist" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

If FSO.FolderExists(ToPath) = False Then 
    MsgBox ToPath & " doesn't exist" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

For Each objFolder In FSO.GetFolder(FromPath).SubFolders 
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
      Fdate = Int(objFile.DateCreated) 
      If Fdate >= Date And Fdate <= Format(DateAdd("d", -100, Date), "dd mmmm yyyy") Then 
       objFile.Copy ToPath 
      End If 
    Next objFile 
Next objFolder 

MsgBox "You can find the files from " & FromPath & " in " & ToPath 

End Sub 

我不確定你的代碼有什麼問題,但是你可以通過在你的變量聲明中使用強類型進行調試。添加對Microsoft Scripting Runtime的引用,並將'FSO'改爲鍵入'Scripting.FileSystemObject'' objFolder'來鍵入'Scripting.Folder'和'objFile'來鍵入'Scripting.File'。然後您將獲得intellitype來查看可用的方法/屬性。如果我稍後再來一段時間,我會實際瀏覽你的代碼。 – CBRF23 2014-11-20 18:55:00


只看你的代碼,看起來你沒有在'objFile.Copy'目標中指定文件名。嘗試像'objFile.Copy ToPath&objFile.Name'或類似的東西。就在我頭頂,你可能需要查找正確的語法。 – CBRF23 2014-11-20 18:58:18


嗨,我試着你的建議,它仍然保持不變。沒有文件被複制。這很令人沮喪,因爲我不知道錯誤在哪裏。 – 2014-11-20 19:10:56



好的,我試着添加一些評論給你一些方向。 你遇到的第一個問題是,你沒有對根文件夾做任何事情 - 你試圖直接進入子文件夾,這可能是爲什麼你說它「突出顯示」外層循環層上的行。 (突出顯示的行是下一次按F8時將執行的行。)

我所做的是將複製操作分解爲另一個過程,以便您可以在任何子文件夾上遞歸調用它。這只是一種方法 - 還有其他的,可能更簡單的方法,但是這讓我想起了我,因爲我習慣以這種方式遞歸地在文件夾和記錄集中挖掘。

您的另一個問題是您的比較日期的方法。 .DateCreated財產的格式帶有日期和時間。您可以直接將它與Now()函數進行比較,該函數返回日期和時間 - 但如果您嘗試與Date()函數進行比較,則它將不起作用,因爲它是不同的格式。


一些注意事項: 您當前正在告訴用戶最終「您可以找到文件」,但您並未檢查是否屬實。您可能希望在.Copy操作之後添加支票,然後將結果添加到數組或某些內容中,以便向用戶顯示已成功複製的文件列表以及沒有的文件。當我測試時,我創建了我在Users目錄中的文件夾,並在嘗試複製不具備所需權限時出現錯誤。

現在,From路徑,To path和extension filter都是硬編碼的。如果您計劃分發此文件或將在多個位置自行使用它,則可以使用BrowseForFolder方法向用戶顯示文件夾瀏覽器對話框,並允許他們選擇From和To文件夾。您也可以使用InputBox從用戶那裏獲取過濾器。只是一個想法。

無論如何,這是我對你的代碼所做的。我將變量名稱改爲我的命名約定,因爲這是我習慣的 - 你可以根據需要改變它們。

Option Explicit 

Public Sub CopyPasteFiles() 
    'Declare variables 
     Dim SRfso     As Scripting.FileSystemObject 
     Dim strFrom     As String 
     Dim strTO     As String 
     Dim strExtFilter    As String 
     Dim SRfolderA    As Scripting.Folder 
     Dim SRfolderB    As Scripting.Folder 

    'Are you always going to hardcode these or do you want to be able to browse for a folder? 
     strFrom = "C:\Users\Run" '<< Change 
     strTO = "C:\Users\Test" '<< Change 

    'I'm not sure what your intent is with this - I assumed you wanted to filter by file extension. 
     strExtFilter = "*BT.CSV" 

    'Prep the folder path 
     If Right(strFrom, 1) <> "\" Then 
      strFrom = strFrom & "\" 
     End If 

    'Intialize the FileSystemObject 
     Set SRfso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject 

     'Verify input and output folders exist. Inform user if they don't. 
      If SRfso.FolderExists(strFrom) = False Then 
       MsgBox strFrom & " doesn't exist" 
       Exit Sub 
      End If 

      If SRfso.FolderExists(strTO) = False Then 
       MsgBox strTO & " doesn't exist" 
       Exit Sub 
      End If 

    'Get the input folder using the FileSystemObject 
     Set SRfolderA = SRfso.GetFolder(strFrom) 

    'Call the routine that copies the files 
     MoveTheFiles SRfolderIN:=SRfolderA, strFolderOUT:=strTO ', strExtFilter:=strExtFilter 

    'Inform the user where they can find the files. CAUTION: You may be misinforming the user. 
     MsgBox "You can find the files from " & strFrom & " in " & strTO 

End Sub 

Private Sub MoveTheFiles(ByRef SRfolderIN As Scripting.Folder, _ 
          ByRef strFolderOUT As String, _ 
          Optional ByRef strExtFilter As String = "*.*", _ 
          Optional ByRef blnSUBFOLDERS As Boolean = True) 
'This routine copies the files. It requires two arguments. First, it requires the root folder as folder object from the scripting library. _ 
Second, it requires the output path as a string. There are two optional arguments. The first allows you _ 
to use a text filter as a string. The second is a boolean that tells us whether or not to move files in subfolders - the default is true. 

    'Delcare variables 
     Dim SRfileA     As Scripting.File 
     Dim SRfolderCol    As Scripting.Folders 
     Dim SRfolderA    As Scripting.Folder 
     Dim datCreated    As Date 
     Dim lngFX     As Long 
     Dim blnResult    As Boolean 

    'Find the file extension in the filter 
     lngFX = InStrRev(strExtFilter, ".", , vbTextCompare) 

    'Move the files from the root folder 
     For Each SRfileA In SRfolderIN.Files 
      'Only work with files that contain the filter criteria 
       If Ucase(Mid(SRfileA.Name, InStrRev(SRfileA.Name, ".", , vbTextCompare) - (Len(strExtFilter) - lngFX) + 1, Len(strExtFilter))) Like Ucase(strExtFilter) Then 
       'Only work with files that were created within the last 100 days 
        datCreated = SRfileA.DateCreated 
         If datCreated <= Now And (datCreated >= DateAdd("d", -100, Now())) Then 
          SRfileA.Copy strFolderOUT 
         End If 
       End If 

    'Check if the calling procedure indicated we are supposed to move subfolder files as well 
     If blnSUBFOLDERS Then 
     'Check that we have subfolders to work with 
      Set SRfolderCol = SRfolderIN.SubFolders 
       If SRfolderCol.Count > 0 Then 
         For Each SRfolderA In SRfolderIN.SubFolders 
          MoveTheFiles SRfolderIN:=SRfolderA, strFolderOUT:=strFolderOUT, strExtFilter:=strExtFilter, blnSUBFOLDERS:=blnSUBFOLDERS 
       End If 
     End If 

End Sub 

該程序正在工作,但爲什麼當我將過濾器更改爲'「* .csv」'或'「* - *。csv」'它沒有獲取任何文件? – 2014-11-21 13:55:21


不要緊,把它改成'「* .cs *」'使它工作。奇怪的 – 2014-11-21 14:09:25


我不知道爲什麼'「* .CS *'可以工作,但不是'」* .CSV「'。你可能想要做的一個改變是我沒有想到我寫的是VBA可能會錯誤地識別在比較大寫字母和小寫字母時,匹配爲false。我編輯了我的初始代碼以包含'UCASE()'函數以避免這個潛在的問題。 – CBRF23 2014-11-21 14:14:12
